From our Mission Statement:
WOVEN TOGETHER, these commitments testify to our discipleship. We believe that God is both calling and empowering Union Church to keep these commitments for ourselves and for all those who are seeking and serving the love of God.
The Nominating Board is a necessity in most churches, and in many churches, it’s seen as a dreaded task. But if there is a clear and shared vision of the values and mission of the church, if it is clearly seen and constantly reaffirmed that love demands that every position in the church be seen as a ministry and be filled by a person called to and gifted for that ministry…well, it doesn’t necessarily become easy, but it’s more of a joy.
Yearly, the Union Church Nominating Board meets to prayerfully consider whom to ask to fill our board positions and volunteer needs. They pore over names and faces, sharing their knowledge and experience of each person and their gifts and abilities. Then they start making phone calls. Eventually, they end up with a slate of new officers and board members to continue to uphold and cheer for Unbounded Hospitality, Thoughtful Faith Development, Passionate Worship, Risk-Taking Mission and Service, and Extravagant Generosity and Care in Stewardship.
This board has just two responsibilities: to select from the membership of the church candidates for elective leadership positions, including:
- Moderator
- Church Council Chair
- Clerk
- Treasurer
- Financial Secretary.
And to select from church members and friends candidates for the other boards, including: