It is clear in the New Testament that small groups were critical to the fellowship, communal life, and discipling of followers of Jesus. Even Jesus chose a small group of twelve to teach and experience life together in pursuit of creating a more loving, compassionate, and welcoming, inclusive world. The early church met in houses, not cathedrals and church buildings, that is until Christianity became a legal religion and gained power, prestige, and money.
Even evolutionary theory celebrates the importance of small groups. David Sloan Wilson, in his book, This View of Life, writes:
Evolutionary theory distinctively identifies the small group as the fundamental unit of human social organization, required for both individual well-being and effective action on a larger scale….We must consciously seek to create small groups that benefit individuals as well as society as a whole.
With these things in mind, Union Church, Berea, KY, offers several opportunities for visitors, new members, friends, and members to get involved in a small group of interest to them. Some of these groups are based on reading books, some on studying scripture through the Lectionary, some on social justice, life issues, new member groups, in-the-news discussion groups, or groups built around hiking, walking, lunches, music, dinners, etc. which often also include discussions of recent sermons and/or worship experiences. If there is a group you would like to offer up to host/facilitate, you may contact our Program Coordinator, Rev. David A. Jones, by email.
Current Small Groups You Can Join
Thursday Bible Study
Thursdays, 10:30am
Thursday Bible Study Group follows the Revised Common Lectionary, and may be one of the longest-lasting programs of Union Church. We gather to take a look at the suggested passages for that week, for two main purposes: to dig into the scripture and some commentary and share and turn over what is learned, and to help the pastor gain some new insights for the sermon that week. No need to register.
Coffee w/ the Pastor
Wednesdays, 10:00am
Leader: Pastor Kent Gilbert
Coffee with the Pastor is a zoom group that includes members and friends of Union Church from a variety of states and close to home who want to fellowship and catch up with one another. No need to register.
Currently Meeting
Berea Shape Note Group
Leader: Debbonnaire Kovacs
1st & 3rd Sundays 1:30PM
No experience or talent necessary! Come one, come all!
For more information and with history and links to resources about Shape Notes, please follow the link below:
Got Questions/Ideas about Theology? Let’s Talk!
Leader: Bernardo Scarambone
5:30pm – 6:30pm
Choir Room – 3rd Floor
Leader: Bernardo Scarambone
6:30pm – 7:30pm
Choir Room – 3rd Floor
The Psalms Group
Leader: Donna Eder
1st & 3rd Wednesdays 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Meets in the Training Room, lower level off the Community Room
Bridge Club
12:30pm – 4:30pm
Meets in the Training Room, lower level off the Community Room