At approximately 2:00 P.M. on June 21, 2016 the installation was completed, and 78 solar panels at Union Church went live! They are now generating what is expected to be at least 25% of the electricity that Union Church uses in a year’s time. Soon there will be a public display at church showing how… Read more.
what's happening
Finance and Stewardship Board
Report of Dec. 8 Budget Meeting
At Sunday’s budget meeting, after opening with prayer and establishing a quorum, the congregation took up the discussion of the 2020 Budget. As presented, the budget showed a significant shortfall of $91,000 but a generous anonymous donor cut that in half with a donation of $45,500. The Church Council made significant cuts to several line… Read more.
Faith, Finances, and the Future
Dear Church Family & Friends, Our Financial Situation Seems Critical Our year has been filled with great faith, great planning, and hopes for a future of service to God and God’s people, all embodied in our recent year-long planning process. We have pledged ourselves to three great loves (support for families, creating relationships of depth and… Read more.
Information About The Proposed By-law Change to Establish a Union Church Endowment Fund And December 16th Vote
December 12, 2018 Dear Church Family, On Sunday, December 9 we had significant and detailed discussion of a proposal from the Finance Board to create a Union Church Endowment Fund by adding a by-law to our constitution establishing the fund, defining the accounts, and creating an investments oversight committee. The proposal is endorsed by Church… Read more.
Proposed Amendment to By-laws to Establish An Endowment Fund “Version 2”
On December 16th the congregation will vote on establishing a Union Church Endowment Fund. After previous discussion at a congregational meeting on December 9, the Finance Board proposes the following “Version 2” of by-law additions for your consideration. The vote will be taken on December 16, immediately following worship.
2017 Proposed Budget
Budgets are a form of prayer: a sacred trust to steward our resources for the blessing God calls us to be. Here is the 2017 Proposed budget to be considered by the membership December 11, 2016, 12:30pm. (Meeting follows worship and an 11:45 soup lunch). Both summary and detailed budgets are available below along with… Read more.
We're Pledging Too! Can you?
“Why do we support Union Church? A significant part of the reason is because of the extent to which the Church historically and under current leadership has pursued the truth of what our founder famously said: ‘God hath made of one blood all peoples of the earth.’ All people – as they find themselves having… Read more.
We're Pledging for 2017! Join Us!
“Our spirits have been long fed by the church. Now, as our family grows in leaps and bounds, we give so that our son and all children can have that same nourishment of faith.” ~Rachel & Leslie Small Stokes with Jack! [maxbutton id=”11″] Union Church is a special place and we’re planning for the future…. Read more.