New Year, New Directory. We’ve had requests to staff for a paper directory, and are planning to get one done in February. Contact info has long been available in FellowshipOneGo but we understand that some may prefer a paper directory. Watch your next few Monday emails for a form to submit a new photo if… Read more.
what's happening
February 2 Announcements
From Rev. Christina: Hello friends, It is an honor and privilege to work and worship with you. I am looking forward to getting to know you over the next two months. A few things about the three most important people in my I’ve (aside from Jesus of course). I met my husband, Dr…. Read more.
January 26 Announcements
Coming Up! March 19 The RETURN of the Missing Goats (Irish band from Oak Ridge, TN, of which Chip Bailey is a member) to play at Open Table! March 23 Annual Meeting, after Worship and lunch About Sunday Compline Service: The Sabbath Compline at 6:30 pm in Cowan Chapel is a night prayer of psalm,… Read more.
January 19 Announcements
Coming Up! Today – 1:30 pm; ShapeNote Singers, Parlor—all welcome! Jan. 20 Office Closed in Observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day Jan. 21 Blood Drive, Community Room, 11-5, Community Room Jan. 22 5:30 pm, Open Table FREE meal for all! Jan. 25 Old Time Music Jam, 10-12, Parlor Announcements “Many thanks for all… Read more.
January 12 Announcements
Rev. Kent’s Upcoming SabbaticalEvery 5 years the congregation grants our pastor an extended time of sabbatical rest and renewal. Rev. Kent will be starting his next sabbatical on February 1 for two months. A special “Sabbatical Service” pastor will be with us during his absence to preach and provide pastoral care, and to work alongside… Read more.
January 5 Announcements
About Sunday Compline Service: The Sabbath Compline at 6:30 pm in Cowan Chapel is a night prayer of psalm, silence, and song — a creative hush with God at the end of the day at the beginning of the week. We will begin our compline this Sunday, January 5, with Psalm 147 verse 6, “The… Read more.
December 29 Announcements
Welcome to Christmas Country Dance School Friends and Guests… Each year Berea hosts the annual Christmas Country Dance School with dancers, musicians, and craftspeople from around the country and the world. We are delighted to welcome participants to Union Church, including the many who have agreed to lend their talents to our service this morning…. Read more.
December 22 Announcements
About tonight’s Compline Service: The Sabbath Compline at 6:30 pm in Cowan Chapel is a night prayer of psalm, silence, and song — a creative hush with God at the end of the day at the beginning of the week. Cowan Chapel is adjacent to Union Church on the Scaffold Cane Rd. side. Christmas… Read more.