Our college student ministry, ConneXions, is working to raise funds for our Spring Retreat to the Smoky Mountains. We are offering a Thai Luncheon event which will include live music, with Berea College studen Cansas Dowell, Original hand-made jewelry for sale by student, Chloe Beyler, and an incredible Thai meal prepared by Betsy Whaley. Please… Read more.
what's happening
Christmas Eve Celebration
Support Choir Scholarship Students
Worship Orchestra Rehearsal
Virtual Hymn Sing tonight LIVE at 7pm!
Union Church Chancel Choir Invited to Perform at Carnegie Hall With Composer Mark Hayes
Distinguished Concerts International New York (DCINY) announced today that the Union Church Chancel Choir has been invited to participate in a performance of “The Music of Mark Hayes,” November 26th, at Carnegie Hall in New York City. They will join other choristers to form a single ensemble led by renowned conductor and composer Mark Hayes,… Read more.
Songs of the Season! Union Church Caroling a Great Success
A great night of Christmas Caroling last night! About 40 members and friends made circuits of Berea and the Terrace Nursing Home singing songs of the season. Thanks to Steve Bolster for the song books and for leading one of the groups. Thanks especially to all our cookie bakers and hot chocolate makers for the… Read more.