Join our monthly discussion group on issues related to both science and religion, their intersection and divergence. Each session will include a panel on a different theme, followed by questions and answers from all. You don’t have to have a science or religion background to be a welcome member of the group. Respectful discourse and… Read more.
what's happening
Science & Religion Dialogue Group
Join our monthly discussion group on issues related to both science and religion, their intersection and divergence. Each session will include a panel on a different theme, followed by questions and answers from all. You don’t have to have a science or religion background to be a welcome member of the group. Respectful discourse and… Read more.
Free Parker Palmer Web-Course "Bridging the Political Divide"
Parker J. Palmer, teacher, author, activist, and an outspoken advocate on faith and democracy issues, will teach an online course that is open to all from September 5-19, 2016. After that time the course will be accessible via the ChurchNext library, though it will no longer be free. We are in the midst of what… Read more.