Maurice Hibbard, beloved retired Air Force chaplain, passed away Nov. 21, 2022.
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Pastor Log
In Memoriam: Mary Nash
In Memoriam: Bill Stolte
In Memoriam: Tom Hubbard
In Memoriam: Bob Shaffer
Rev. Kent's Prayer for the Week and Invite to Coffee Hour Tomorrow
“In our distance from one another may we be ever closer to you. In the breaking of bread at every meal, may your presence make the ordinary divine, conscecrated by your mercy and love.” Dear friends and church family, This last Sunday we celebrated communion in our own homes and with sometimes extraordinary elements…. Read more.
Rev. Kent's Prayer for the Week and Invite to Coffee Hour Tomorrow
“Sower of life, tiller of grace, we have been born anew from imperishable seed. Through your eyes we see clearly; through your teaching we act rightly; through your sacrificial love we know dearly and truly that love is stronger than death. In the breaking open of our routines, in the disruption of our patterns,… Read more.
Prayer for the Week and Invite to Coffee!
“Lord we believe, and we doubt. We hold fast to the gift of new life, and yet the nails of current reality bite hard. For all who are listening and praying now: place the healing of your hands into the holes of our hope. Breathe peace… Read more.