Last Sunday we wondered with Hannah if God would ever come through, and with the disciples if all the calamity Jesus predicted would ever amount to any good. Out of despair comes many frustrations, but also many new gifts. Here’s a prayer for transformation and for hope, whatever your circumstances might be this week. Lord,… Read more.
what's happening
November 25 bulletin
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost November 25, 2012 Meditation “True stability results when presumed order and presumed disorder are balanced. A truly stable system expects the unexpected, is prepared to be disrupted, waits to be transformed.” —Tom Robbins Gathering to Worship… Read more.
Harvests of Joy — A Sermon for Thanksgiving
Rev. Rachel preached this sermon on Sunday evening, Nov. 18th, for the Berea Ministerial Association’s Community Thanksgiving Service. It was an interactive sermon — read the italics to understand what else was going on! “Harvests of Joy” Rev. Rachel F. Small Stokes Nov. 18, 2012 (c) Psalm 126 Psalm 126 (read half on one… Read more.
November 18 bulletin
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost November 18, 2012 Meditation “The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts. No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving.” —H. U. Westermayer Gathering to Worship Welcome and… Read more.
Bereans for Fairness to attend City Council Meeting
Join Bereans for Fairness next Tuesday, November 20th for the Berea City Council meeting to show your support for the ongoing effort for a local Fairness ordinance in Berea, which would prohibit discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression. Meet between 5:30-6:00pm at Berea Coffee & Tea (124… Read more.
Union Church Celebrates Homecoming! Nov. 11th
Union Church was pleased to welcome to its pulpit this Sunday the Rev. Gail Bowman, J.D., and to welcome to the chancel the Berea College Homecoming Choir. Both brought us inspiration and delight! Rev. Bowman is the new Director of the Willis D. Weatherford Jr. Christian Center at Berea College. She hails from West… Read more.
Willie Dodson Addresses WNL on the Prison Industrial Complex
Union Church member Willie Dodson presented to Wednesday Night Live on Nov. 14th about his work with the Central Appalachian Prisoner Support Network in Wyse County, VA. CAPSN, which began after prisoners in an Appalachian prison staged a hunger strike to protest inhumane treatment, seeks to support both prisoners (who often come from urban areas… Read more.
Prayer of the Week — Nov. 11th
In a week of homecoming, we were reminded of an image of God who came to us in Jesus in order to bring us home to God. Here is a prayer for this week. Blessings on you all. — Rev. Rachel God, who entered into full humanity in order to bring us closer to divinity,… Read more.