In the spring of 2010, our congregation voted to try out, for 18 months, a new governance structure, temporarily suspending some of the stipulations of our constitution. It is now time for us to see how this new structure is working and to make changes to the constitution, if necessary. Therefore, at its Sept 17… Read more.
what's happening
Prayer for the Week — Oct. 15th
We wrestled this week with the story of the rich man who wanted to know what he needed to do to gain eternal life. Jesus first told him to follow the commandments, which he replied that he has done all his life. Then, Jesus told him lovingly that what he lacked was to sell all… Read more.
Oct. 14 Worship Bulletin
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost October 14, 2012 Meditation Before we can pray, “Thy kingdom come,” we must be willing to pray, “My kingdom go.” —Alan Redpath Gathering to Worship Welcome and Announcements Prelude God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending … Read more.
Bazaar Update: The Tent is Ready for Your Stuff!
Come one, come all, and bring your items for the greatest yard sale Union Church has seen this year! Today, Friday, Oct. 12th, is the day to bring all of your items for sale. Please price them before you come. Our brave youth group will be camping out tonight to guard the things, and then… Read more.
Writing on the Walls!
Have you ever wanted to take a marker and just scribble on the walls? Well, here’s your chance, with a twist of prayer added in. This Sunday after church, we’re inviting all children and children-at-heart to come into the construction area of the church and write blessings on the walls. They will be covered up… Read more.
October 7: World Communion Sunday
World Communion Sunday is a special day celebrated across the entire Earth; Christians all over the world, in their various styles and ways, take communion on this Sunday as a way to honor Jesus’ message of hope that we might all be one. This Sunday marked the 15th year that Union Church has combined its… Read more.
Off to Japan… Rev. Kent and 3 other Union Church Members Depart
Well, after months of planning, the day has finally come to pick, pack, and pull my travel kit and kaboodle into a plane and fly about as far as you go from Berea. Thanks to all of your generosity for my 15th anniversary, I’m headed off this morning to Hokuto, Japan, our sister city, and… Read more.
Blessing of Creation, animals, and solar energy a great success
Each year we give thanks for the blessing of creation with a special service inspired by St. Francis of Assisi. This year, held in conjunction with our Care of Creation booth at the Berea Solar Fair, more than 35 pets and their “persons” were part of our blessing. Special thanks to all of the Union… Read more.