With deep gratitude for her life and sorrow at her passing, we learned of the death of former Union Church member and Berea College first lady, Anne Cobb Smith Weatherford. She died in Black Mountain, NC under hospice care yesterday evening, June 7, 2016. Anne and her family joined Union Church when her husband, Willis… Read more.
what's happening
Union Church: One in Spirit. New YouTube Channel!
April "Consider…"
Taize Service April 3, 10:30 am!
Taize Worship Service this Sunday. The Music of the Taizé Community, France, is used in the beautiful meditation-style services for which this small ecumenical monastic order has become famous. Very short melodies (usually only a line or two long) are sung in repetition like musical mantras, supported by instruments and sometimes by a cantor singing… Read more.
Holy Week at Union Church
Maundy Thursday, March 24, 7:30 pm service in the sanctuary. “Maundy” comes from the Latin “mandatum,” meaning “commandment.” On this night when Jesus met with his disciples for his last supper, he gave them a new commandment, “that you love one another.” During this special service we will share communion and recount the story of… Read more.
Help Beautify the Sanctuary for Easter! Order Lilies by March 22!
Lilies for Easter! Easter morning flowers are a glorious way to celebrate the joy of resurrection. Now you can order sanctuary lilies in honor or memory of loved ones for just $15 with a click! Sales will support our Annual Budget, providing loving care in our many ministries. We’ll see that the lilies are delivered… Read more.
Aidan Broadbridge Workshop and Concert, January 16th!
Aidan Broadbridge, internationally known Scottish fiddler, will lead an evening of both classical violin and traditional tunes on January 16th at 7:30pm in Cowan Chapel at Union Church, Berea. Concert Tickets are $10 ($5 for Child/Student) Well known and in demand as a dance musician, Aidan was selected to be the fiddler in the recent… Read more.
2015 Christmas Services at Union Church
Christmas at Union Church is filled with music, candle light, and great love. People from every faith tradition are welcome to join us in keeping Christmas at any or all of these services. Services in the main sanctuary will also be broadcast live via the web and can be viewed HERE. December 20th: Long… Read more.