Lilies for Easter! Easter morning flowers are a glorious way to celebrate the joy of resurrection. Now you can order sanctuary lilies in honor or memory of loved ones for just $15 with a click! Sales will support our Annual Budget, providing loving care in our many ministries. We’ll see that the lilies are delivered… Read more.
what's happening
Aidan Broadbridge Workshop and Concert, January 16th!
Aidan Broadbridge, internationally known Scottish fiddler, will lead an evening of both classical violin and traditional tunes on January 16th at 7:30pm in Cowan Chapel at Union Church, Berea. Concert Tickets are $10 ($5 for Child/Student) Well known and in demand as a dance musician, Aidan was selected to be the fiddler in the recent… Read more.
2015 Christmas Services at Union Church
Christmas at Union Church is filled with music, candle light, and great love. People from every faith tradition are welcome to join us in keeping Christmas at any or all of these services. Services in the main sanctuary will also be broadcast live via the web and can be viewed HERE. December 20th: Long… Read more.
Berea Passes Human Rights Resolution
On Tuesday, December 15, the Berea City Council passed a resolution by Diane Kerby stating that “acts of intolerance and hateful actions that have frightened and disturbed local citizens and visitors in the city of Berea,” and that “systemic violence, racial injustice and harassment of members of this community damage the health of individuals and… Read more.
Bearing the Light Through Service: Sign Up Now!
“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” ― Frederick Buechner, Wishful Thinking: A Theological ABC At Union Church, we’re hoping to help you connect to that place where your deep gladness meets the deep hunger of our church and community, believing in faith… Read more.
Longnight Service, A Service for Light and Prayers of Healing, Dec. 20, 7:00 pm, Cowan Chapel
In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. Albert Camus Many in this season are ready to sing “Joy to the World.” Whether we are missing someone we love this Christmas, or we find ourselves in need of contemplation, renewal and hope, we gather this evening, as… Read more.
A Time To Choose! Climate Change Film Available to Stream
If you’ve been curious about the issues surrounding climate change, or you would like a little more inspiration for the struggle to reduce carbon emissions, here is a great resource: For 48 hours starting at 9:30 am local time yesterday (Monday), people around the world can watch and share Time To Choose. This video is… Read more.
Dec. 1: Support the Kentucky Council of Churches
On Tuesday, December 1, the Kentucky Council of Churches will participate in Kentucky Gives Day, a 24-hour charitable campaign sponsored by the Kentucky Nonprofit Network. On Tuesday, December 1, please visit and make a donation to benefit the KCC. Why should you take this opportunity to give? Reason #1 – Union Church is a… Read more.