From: Lyle D. Roelofs <> Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 8:25 AM Subject: Community Information Regarding Executive Order Dear Bereans, As you are aware, on Friday, January 27, President Trump issued an executive order that immediately suspended entry to the United States by citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen for at… Read more.
what's happening
Celebrate Christmas Eve & Christmas Day at Union Church!
Christmas Eve 5:00 pm Sounds of the Season Gathering Music, Sanctuary 5:30 pm Candle-lit Service, Sanctuary. Offering will benefit Berea Faith Community Outreach 6:30 pm Fellowship and finger food reception, Community Room (please bring plenty of treats, we always have a crowd!) 11:00 pm A Service of Candlelight & Communion, welcoming the Christ Child at… Read more.
Christ Eve Dancers Needed…Help Bring in the Light!
Dancers of all abilities and skills are enthusiastically invited to help us dance in Christmas Eve. Dancers begin the service with slow and lovely music as we light the worship candles for the service. If you would like to join (no experience necessary), click below and sign up. The service will be from 5pm to… Read more.
Singing! Hot cocoa! Decorating! Good company! Sunday, 2 pm
Hanging of the Greens Sunday, First Sunday of Advent! Music, Hot Chocolate, and Decorating 2:00 pm! many hands make light work! There are tasks to be done inside and out, for every ability. Come on and let’s beautify on the first Sunday of Advent! And to help make our sanctuary beautiful for Advent & Christmas… Read more.
Deck the Halls!! Order poinsettias now!
Want to help make our sanctuary beautiful for Advent & Christmas? We’ll order and pick up poinsettias for you! Please click & fill out the form to order, pay for & designate them in memory or in honor of someone and have their name printed in the bulletin. After the holidays, take your plants home… Read more.
Peace Village Summer 2017
Several churches and community groups in Berea are working on a summer 2017 community peace camp using the national Peace Village curriculum for children ages 6-13. The Steering Committee seeks a Camp Director to work with community partners to plan and run the camp. Helpful skills are organization, ability to recruit and supervise staff, and… Read more.
Journey for Justice: Reconciliation, Solidarity & the Legacy of Sandra Bland, Central Baptist Church Nov. 13
October 23, 2016, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns & Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost October 23, 2016 10:30 am Meditation Poverty, being poor, being rich is about being in or out of relationship: with God, with the other, with creation. You can have all the money in the world and be… Read more.