Read this article in the Christian Science Monitor about the awesome work done by Partners for Education (and our own Tennant Kirk!). Brief excerpt below: “Appalachian Kentucky, where Sunny and Rosie roam, suffers from what the U.S. government terms “persistent poverty,” meaning that it has had poverty rates at or exceeding 20% for more than 30 years…. Read more.
what's happening
Photos from Jan. 12 Worship Service by Rachael White. Reaffirming our Baptismal Vows
The Call from Sunday, Jan. 12
Oscar Romero, in the quote below, speaks of each follower as a prophet. How can you be God’s microphone? Not feeling it? Then what is your role? How do you live out the connection to Jesus life and ministry? The Call Each one of you has to be God’s microphone. Each one of you has… Read more.
Prayer in Action Days at the State Capitol. Tomorrow, Jan. 14 – Criminal Justice Reform
The Kentucky Council of Churches is hosting Prayer in Action Days at the State Capitol during this year’s General Assembly to pray for government officials and act on behalf of Kentucky’s most vulnerable citizens. “We will pray for our governor and legislators and call them to a higher moral agenda that puts the well-being of Kentucky’s people… Read more.
Research Survey re: Housing Insecurity in Sexual & Gender Minorities in Kentucky – Can You help?
My name is Jasmine Routon and I am a doctoral candidate at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I am from Kentucky and hope that my dissertation will give back to my community. I am emailing in hopes of recruiting sexual and gender minorities living in Kentucky for my research. My research focuses on housing… Read more.
Movie Musical Sing-Alongs in the New Year!
Our Community Life & Board has come up with a great idea for the New Year — sing-alongs with movie musicals! The second Saturdays of January, February & March in the Community Room. Time: to be determined. Movies: send your suggestions to Betsy Whaley at Keep an eye on your bulletins and Monday announcements… Read more.
Faith, Finances, and the Future
Dear Church Family & Friends, Our Financial Situation Seems Critical Our year has been filled with great faith, great planning, and hopes for a future of service to God and God’s people, all embodied in our recent year-long planning process. We have pledged ourselves to three great loves (support for families, creating relationships of depth and… Read more.
Announcements & Upcoming Events
Learn more about the church next week! Come One, Come All! Each fourth Sunday of the month anyone wanting to know more about Union Church or wanting to explore church membership, are invited to come to the Classroom, past the office at the end of the hall, and join in conversation with the Community Life… Read more.