Rev. Kent and Diana will be traveling to Japan next week leading the Madison County Delegation to our Sister City, Hokuto in Yamanashi Prefecture. Dr. Pam Chabora will be leading worship in his absence and we are grateful to her for bringing the word and the love!
Wednesday Evening Open Table – Supper is at 5:30 (provided—no need to bring anything), other activities and groups too, including Youth Group at 6; ConneXions (for college students & young adults) and Handbell Ensemble rehearsal both at 6:30! Come for supper and hear all about it!
News of the stars from Jeff Hutton:
Oct. 14, 11:30 – 4:00 partial solar eclipse viewing, Forestry Outreach Center
Oct. 19, 7 pm Pinnacles Astronomy Club meeting, in the classroom on the office level, Union Church.
Mission & Service Auction Mark your calendars! The Union Church auction to benefit Room In The Inn is scheduled to go online Wednesday, October 18 and close at 6 pm on Thursday , October 26.
The items will be displayed for viewing in the Community Room on Thursday, October 26 from 3— 6 pm. All items must be picked up on Friday, October, 27 from 11 to 6 pm or by arrangement.
Please contact Tennant Kirk at 859-200-0179 for information or to volunteer.
Urgent Need — Community Friendship Program: calling open hearts
Do you want to learn more about the world outside the USA? Offer friendship to a freshman student far from home? If so, you might enjoy getting to know an international student! Community Friendship Program works with Berea College Center for International Education to connect new students with local individuals or families who can open their hearts, be a listening ear, make a call, send a note (or text!), and perhaps invite to join in an activity at home or elsewhere.
Note: Students live on campus, NOT at your house. Contact Laura Compton 859-353-1497, or email: community , to get the 1-page application or to receive more information about the program. 40 students arrived in August, and many have not yet been connected with families.

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