Mark Your Calendars! Did you miss last week’s potluck? Don’t fret—here comes another chance to get together!!
Wednesday July 12th: 5:00pm – 8:00pm
Union Church Burger Bash!
Fundraiser for Berea Leadership Camp Scholarships
At the City Park Shelter behind the pool.
Bring side dishes/desserts to share and outdoor games to play.
Church will provide burgers, hot dogs, buns, drinks, condiments, vegan options, and table service.
Lakes Funeral Home will host two grief support groups open to anyone in the community who would like to participate.
The support group for people who have lost a spouse or partner will be held on the first Thursday of each month, in the building behind the funeral home at 203 N. Dogwood Drive, Berea.
The group for parents who have lost a child will be held the second Thursday of each month from 6-8 pm in the same location. The support group leader will be Dr. Judy Keith, who has lost a spouse and a child. Please call 859-806-6236 to reserve your space or get additional information.
Union Church Seeks Youth Director
The Youth Director is responsible for developing and organizing programs directed toward middle and senior high youth fellowship to aid their spiritual development. This position works closely with the Faith Development Board.
· Develop a sense of community both among young people, and between young people and the broader faith community.
· Design, organize and lead systematic and intentional adolescent religious development.
· Develop, design and lead outreach programs and retreats. Share faith and lead others to do the same
· Communicate a vision of youth ministry and advocate for youth and youth ministry within and outside the church
· Develop programming that educates and leads young people in justice, integrity, acceptance and community service
View the complete Job Description HERE. Paper copies available on request at the email address below or by calling 859-986-3725 or emailing. Please email a resume and letter of interest to office@union-church.org by June 30th.
Opportunities to be more involved in worship at Union Church!
· Communion Bread Baker(s).
· Worship Readers, Ushers, and Greeters.
· Coffee Hour snack bringers.
Please sign up in the Community Room or contact the office or a member of Worship Board (Teresa Gowler, Diane Bailey, EJ Stokes, Paul Jacobs, Jennifer Melton) Thank you!
Kentucky’s SB150: A Resource Guide for the Trans and LGBTQ+ Community What does SB150 say?
SB150 is a sweeping anti-LGBTQ+ bill – with several components that are especially dangerous when it comes to transgender youth accessing critical health care. The bill prohibits transgender-related healthcare in Kentucky for people under the age of 18; this means that care such as gender-affirming hormone therapy and puberty blockers will soon be inaccessible in Kentucky for most trans people until they turn 18. In-state healthcare providers who violate the law will risk losing their license.
There is vague language in the bill limiting access to gender-affirming mental health services in school settings, but these restrictions do not prohibit access to gender-affirming mental health care outside of schools. This is an evolving area of law and the law is intentionally vague when it comes to what exactly is prohibited as well as how it is enforced. That said, the law does not say that people cannot leave Kentucky and access care in states where it is legal to do so, and a court would likely agree that it is unconstitutional to block people from traveling to other states.
More info HERE
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