A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost September 30, 2012 Meditation “Beauty saves. Beauty heals. Beauty motivates. Beauty unites. Beauty returns us to our origins, and here lies the ultimate act of saving, of healing, of overcoming dualism.” —Matthew Fox, theologian and… Read more.
what's happening
Oct. 2012 Consider
September 2012 Consider
Don't Miss Weds. Nite Live!!
Wednesday Nite Live! WNL is Union Church’s Wednesday Fellowship time. We gather at the Quaker Meeting House (300 Harrison Rd.) for supper and fellowship, please come at 5:45 for supper (donations if able). Drinks and table service provided, ‘course you are welcome to bring your own to save water. Youth Groups & Bob Berger’s class at 6:30…. Read more.
"The Ties that Bind"
Water No More! New Floor Prepared for Community Room
This week construction crews have been preparing the Community Room for it’s new floor. First pipes were placed in the drainage trenches in the floor. Next an impermeable layer of that channels water to the trenches was installed under 1″ of foam insulation. On top of all of that will be 2″ of new concrete making a… Read more.
Sept. 23 Worship Bulletin
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost September 23, 2012 Meditation “These communities, these small, local, autonomous communities open to others in both heart and mind were then, and are now, the transforming their corner of the world, making it better.” —from notes… Read more.
Today Is International Peace Day — Pray With Us!
September 21 has been declared International Peace Day by the United Nations. Today we join with religious people all around the world in praying for peace. The World Council of Churches has also suggested that, today, we pray for ceasefires: in our homes, our communities, our nation, and our world. Below is a prayer from… Read more.