In the Community Room 7:00 pm Service of Foot and Hand Washing, 7:30 pm We Gather to Worship Jesus taught that leadership begins with service. The act of washing the feet of guests after a journey was usually the work of slaves, but Jesus insisted on washing the feet of his disciples on the night… Read more.
what's happening
160th Annual Meeting with a Touch o' the Green
The 160th Annual Meeting of the congregation was kicked off with a musical St. Patrick’s day tribute of songs by Alex Dycus and accompanist Betty Hibler. Kevin Burke provided a corned beef and cabbage feast, complete with ‘taters, Irish soda bread (thanks to Peggy Coyne), and wonderful desserts provided and cleaned up by an army… Read more.
Sign Up To Help Easter Morning!
Easter Morning Team Needed! Volunteers are needed for special ushering and Easter preparations, March 31. Team members meet with Rev. Kent and Rev. Rachel on Saturday, March 30th to plan and practice. They then participate in the morning processional during the service, helping transform the darkness to light and joy! Balloon Volunteers need to be… Read more.
Tomorrow! March 26: Southern Faith Witness… Union Church in Motion
Southern Faith Witness: A March and Rally for the Civil Rights Struggle of Our Era On Tuesday, March 26, 2013, the Supreme Court of the United States begins hearing arguments on the constitutionality of the ban on gay marriage. The ban denies over 1400 civil rights, tax benefits, housing incentives and legal protections to thousands of… Read more.
There's Still Time: Donate A Lily For Easter
There is still time to order your Lily for Easter morning! Fill out the form by Wednesday, March 27! Easter morning flowers are a glorious way to celebrate the joy of resurrection. Now you can order sanctuary lilies in honor or memory of loved ones for just $15 and a click or call! Sales of… Read more.
Help the New Opportunity School AND get a FREE makeover!
The New Opportunity School for Women is partnering with Mary Kay on a contest to win $5000 as part of their “One Woman” campaign. The goal is for the NOSW to have logged 300 makeovers (free of charge; no pressure to buy or sell). Last year’s winner won with 130, and we know we can… Read more.
Community-Building Challenge Course — Register now!
There are a few spots left for our Lenten Community-Building Challenge Course at the ropes course facility in Richmond next Sunday, March 10. Facilitator Kim Kobersmith will lead us through a series of group challenges that involve cooperation, problem solving, and some physical dexterity on the low ropes course at EKU. Please join us!! We… Read more.
Tevyn East brings Blood on the Cedars to Union Church this Sunday, March 3!
Blood on the Cedars addresses the imperial conquest of nature and connects the feral theatricality of the Hebrew prophets to contemporary resistance movements. Combining storytelling, song, movement and music- integrating the scholarship of Ched Myers with the brazen poetry of Jim Perkinson- the call of the wild comes alive in this theatrical depiction of an… Read more.