Pope Francis has issued an urgent call for fasting and prayer for Syria. The wider faith community of Berea is invited to join members of St. Clare to respond in a Prayer Service for Peace in the Middle East on Saturday, September 7, 2013 at 4 pm at St. Clare Church. The prayer service will… Read more.
what's happening
Shake Your Soul! Free workshop Sept. 8!
Join us for a Shake Your Soul® workshop on Sunday, September 8th. We will dance and move in the Community Room at Union Church from 4-5 pm. Shake Your Soul®: The Yoga of Dance draws from modern and African dance, body-mind centering, yoga, Qigong and Body-Centered Expressive Therapy. Taught by Certified Instructor Kate Grigg, this… Read more.
Welcome Back, Students!
With the opening of Berea College’s academic year this week, we are excited to invite students, faculty, and staff back to the worshiping community at Union Church! We have a special event for students coming up: a cookout! This Wednesday, August 28, Rev. Rachel will be hosting a welcome Grill-‘N-Chill for students. Check out more… Read more.
Installation of Rev. Rachel Small Stokes
The Installation of The Rev. Rachel Small Stokes as Associate Pastor of Church of Christ, Union August 18, 2013 3:30pm Gathering to Worship Prelude Fanfare and Chorale on Abbott’s Leigh Robert Hobby Lord, you give the great commission: “Heal the sick and preach the word…” With the… Read more.
August 18 Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns & Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost August 18, 2013 Welcome to this service of worship. We are glad that you are here today. You are invited to rise in body or in spirit as you are able and willing at points in… Read more.
August 11 Bulletin, Prayer Concerns and Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost August 11, 2013 Welcome to this service of worship. We are glad that you are here today. You are invited to rise in body or in spirit as you are able and willing at points in… Read more.
Quilt Raffle! Winning ticket to be drawn at Union Church's Bazaar September 21!!
Emma’s Quilt This quilt was a gift to our mother from Emma, an elderly neighbor in rural Missouri, who lived “down the road” from our farm. One day in the early 1950s, shortly before Emma and her brother moved to be closer to relatives, she walked the half-mile to our house bearing a large bundle… Read more.