Union Church is a proud sponsor of the Berea Celtic Festival. Here’s a look at all the great events available this weekend. On Sundays we are continuing our exploration of Celtic Spirituality with worship inspired by the Iona Community of Scotland. Join us this Sunday morning when we feature special Celtic musical talent: 10:30am, Jeni… Read more.
what's happening
In Thin Places: Celtic Worship Aug. 10, 17, 24, 31!
All through the remaining Sunday’s in August join in a celebration of Celtic Christianity, ancient and contemporary. Celtic Spirituality revolves around a deep commitment to God’s creation and to justice, healing, and the disciplines of hospitality and forgiveness. We will draw our inspiration from the Iona Community (http:/www.iona.org.uk) based on the Isle of Iona, western Scotland. Rev…. Read more.
Bloodmobile today, July 15
Creek Cleanup, Burger Bash, and Pool Party – oh my! Thursday & Friday fun!
Vacation Bible school finishes up tonight (Weds), but that doesn’t mean the week of fun and fellowship is over! Thursday Creek Cleanup at Rev. Kent’s 6:00 pm – wear your grubbies, sturdy shoes you don’t mind getting wet, bring gloves, a towel & trash bags. No unaccompanied little ones, please. Friday Burger Bash (5:00 pm)… Read more.
Atwater~Donnelly Folk Concert, 7pm June 15!
Join us for Atwater~Donnelly, 7:00pm Sunday, June 15, 2014 Great Folk duo Aubrey Atwater and Elwood Donnelly are coming back to Berea for another evening of great music, dance, and song. This is a great concert for kids and will be especially in honor of Father’s Day. They will also offer mountain (lap) dulcimer classes… Read more.
Poetry Reading by Steve Rhodes Wednesday!
Register and Volunteer now for Vacation Bible School!
Hey, friends! Mark your calendars for June 8th – 11th, because VBS is gearing up! And we need YOU! And your kids! And your kids’ friends! Invite ’em all! This year’s VBS is going to be lots of fun and full of water — perfect for the hot summer! PLUS, there are two BONUS NIGHTS: … Read more.