In the spring of 2010, our congregation voted to try out, for 18 months, a new governance structure, temporarily suspending some of the stipulations of our constitution. It is now time for us to see how this new structure is working and to make changes to the constitution, if necessary. Therefore, at its Sept 17… Read more.
what's happening
Blessing of Creation, animals, and solar energy a great success
Each year we give thanks for the blessing of creation with a special service inspired by St. Francis of Assisi. This year, held in conjunction with our Care of Creation booth at the Berea Solar Fair, more than 35 pets and their “persons” were part of our blessing. Special thanks to all of the Union… Read more.
October 7 Joint Worship Service at First Christian Church, 10:30am
Each year to celebrate World Communion Sunday Union Church and First Christian Church worship together. Both churches were founded by Kentucky Abolitionist John G. Fee, and we celebrate our common heritage worshipping together and celebrating the Lord’s Supper. This year the event is hosted by First Christian, 206 Chestnut Street, right across from Presser Hall… Read more.
Don't Miss Weds. Nite Live!!
Wednesday Nite Live! WNL is Union Church’s Wednesday Fellowship time. We gather at the Quaker Meeting House (300 Harrison Rd.) for supper and fellowship, please come at 5:45 for supper (donations if able). Drinks and table service provided, ‘course you are welcome to bring your own to save water. Youth Groups & Bob Berger’s class at 6:30…. Read more.
"The Ties that Bind"
Berea Food Bank Needs
Jerry Workman, director of the Food Bank, reports a particular need for the following items: Dry beans Hamburger, Chicken, Tuna Helper Plain macaroni Canned mustard greens, spinach, mixed greens, carrots and soups Ramen noodles Crackers Potatoes Cake ix 1-pound bags of plain rice Items can be dropped off at the food bank, 103 Parkway Ave,… Read more.