Come join with friends and neighbors for a worship service in Cowan Chapel at 7:00 pm on Sunday night, November 24. Cowan Chapel is on the Scaffold Cane Rd. side of Union Church – park in the church parking lot and come down the hallway by the office, it’ll be on your right. Rev. Wanda… Read more.
what's happening
Christmas With a Conscience December 1
Wondering what to get for family and friends this Christmas? Does your sister really need another sweater? Why not give alternative gifts this year that reach toward your loved one’s hopes and dreams for a better world? Maybe what your friends & family really want for Christmas this year is health care, food and housing… Read more.
Super Typhoon Haiyan Disaster Relief
The Mission & Service Board will be discussing a gift to a Disaster Relief organization from Union Church, but your family may want to consider a gift to a group engaged in disaster relief. The information below is compiled from Charity Navigator, Inter-Action, and a few news sources. Typhoon Haiyan, considered the most powerful storm… Read more.
Concert by Ken Burns' pianist Jacqueline Schwab 3:00 pm, November 10!
Jacqueline Schwab has played piano for as long as she can remember and loves setting musical moods in concert performances, as well as inspiring people to dance. She creates meditative and spirited arrangements on traditional and vintage tunes from America, England, Scotland and beyond—spinning out stories, in her variations on the themes. In Ken Burns’… Read more.
Old-fashioned Hayride and Bonfire! Fall All-Church Event Saturday, October 26, 4:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Hayride and Bonfire Saturday, October 26, 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. at Rev. Kent’s house and the surrounding Christmas Ridge Farm! Park at the Friends Meeting House — overflow parking at Berea Utilities Parking Lot Follow the signs for the Hay Rides. * Hayrides for all ages from 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. *Hot dogs and fixings and… Read more.
Congratulations to the McLain Family Band!
Wonderful news for some of our church members! Union Church members and friends, including Raymond McLain, Ruth McLain Smith, Al White and Alice McLain White are all part of the national award-winning McLain Family Band. Now, the International Bluegrass Music Association has presented them with the “Distinguished Achievement Award: In recognition of pioneering accomplishments that… Read more.
September 22 Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns and Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost September 22, 2013 Welcome to this service of worship. We are glad that you are here today. You are invited to rise in body or in spirit as you are able and willing at points in the… Read more.
Where do YOU plan to spend Wednesday evenings?? Wednesday Nite Live starts tomorrow! Here's the schedule!
Wednesday Nite Live! begins tomorrow, Sept. 11! Come for supper at 5:45 in the Community Room, stay for fellowship! Full schedule of weekly events follows — 5:10 pm – Middle School Youth Group, Youth Room 5:15 pm – Young Childrens Choir, Room 104 5:45 pm – Supper (donation if able) 6:30 pm – High… Read more.