Our Mission and Service Board introduces this opportunity to help build prosperity in coffee farming communities: Sam Hawes, recent Berea College Grad – is working with Project Alianza out of Boston – a program that offers agricultural education and access to fair markets for coffee farming families in underserved communities, beginning in Jinotega, Nicaragua. As… Read more.
what's happening
This Saturday – don't miss it!!
Mini-Bazaar Saturday, August 23 10 am until 2 pm. Baked goods, jams & jellies, treasures, rummage, household items, books, baskets, plants…all kinds of items needed to sell (not clothing). Please price your items (no lower than $1). Many volunteers needed! Sign up at www.union-church.org or talk to John Payne, 986-8100. And don’t forget to come… Read more.
Berea Celtic Festival Underway!
Union Church is a proud sponsor of the Berea Celtic Festival. Here’s a look at all the great events available this weekend. On Sundays we are continuing our exploration of Celtic Spirituality with worship inspired by the Iona Community of Scotland. Join us this Sunday morning when we feature special Celtic musical talent: 10:30am, Jeni… Read more.
Friday Morning Creative Fun
Calling all sewing and craft enthusiasts! Women’s Creative Sewing and Crafts begins our regular fall season this Friday morning at 9am in the Community Room. We’ll start by tacking a new quilt as well as get in gear for our new fall projects including making t-shirt quilts and transforming gently used men’s shirts into girl’s… Read more.
Childrens Church Leader needed, Job Description attached
Bloodmobile today, July 15
Women's Creative Sewing and Crafts is the Honored Recipient of Virginia Piland's Quilting Studio Supplies!
Thank you Tracy Bose and family! The WCSC, along with the Berea Arts Council, will enjoy and long benefit from the glorious selection of notions, fabric and tools Virginia collected over her inspiring quilt-making history. Union Church is already graced with some of Virginia’s actual marvelous quilt-work. How happy we are to receive the… Read more.
July 6 Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns and Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Fourth Sunday after Pentecost July 6, 2014, 10:30 am Meditation “The ‘rest’ Jesus promises summons up the image of the eschatological rest in the days of the Messiah, of which the Sabbath rest was a symbol and a foretaste. Paradoxically, Jesus’… Read more.