Every two years, we take time to offer our pastors some feedback on how we’re experiencing their ministry among us. We really value this feedback and hope you will take the time to do it. If you are on our email mailing list, you will get a link to a Survey Monkey evaluation tomorrow (Oct…. Read more.
what's happening
Sunday at 4 pm! Sanctuary Rededication, Dedication of Thomas Memorial Library, Inaugural Concert by Gabe Evans, Reception — oh my!
All members of the Berea community are invited to celebrate with Union Church the re-dedication of their renovated sanctuary, dedication of the Thomas Memorial Library and the inaugural organ concert by Gabriel Evans this Sunday. The sanctuary of the historic building on College Square was first dedicated in 1922 “This renovation was badly needed,” states… Read more.
Worship Service in the Sanctuary THIS Sunday, Sept. 7!!
Good News! Our sanctuary refurbishment is not quite done, but it’s ready for Sunday Morning Worship THIS WEEK! The floors and carpets are done, as is the painting and the pews are in their new angled arrangement. Yet to be completed is replacement of the front stairs and new pew racks, but that work will… Read more.
Want to cook for Wednesday Nite Live? We want to help! Check out these recipes and helpful info!
A new season of Wednesday Night Live (WNL) will resume on September 10. A meal is served at 5:45 p.m. and all are welcome!! No set charge, but a donation is accepted if you’re able. This year the Community Life and Growth Board (CL&G) has enlisted Super Chef Shirley Carlberg to put together menus, along… Read more.
August 31 Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns & Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost August 31, 2014, 10:30 am & 7:00 pm From there to Here Greetings and Recognition of Chris & Grace McKenzie Prelude Prelude and Fugue in F Major J.S. Bach Call to Worship Skit: Follow the… Read more.
Carpet Installation!
After years of planning and waiting, work is progressing on our sanctuary refurbishments. Floors have been refinished in front of the organ and under all of the pews. The wall behind the organ has had unused and unsightly heating grills removed, and received a fresh coat of paint. Finally, new carpet has been installed in… Read more.
Check out Project Alianza
Our Mission and Service Board introduces this opportunity to help build prosperity in coffee farming communities: Sam Hawes, recent Berea College Grad – is working with Project Alianza out of Boston – a program that offers agricultural education and access to fair markets for coffee farming families in underserved communities, beginning in Jinotega, Nicaragua. As… Read more.
This Saturday – don't miss it!!
Mini-Bazaar Saturday, August 23 10 am until 2 pm. Baked goods, jams & jellies, treasures, rummage, household items, books, baskets, plants…all kinds of items needed to sell (not clothing). Please price your items (no lower than $1). Many volunteers needed! Sign up at www.union-church.org or talk to John Payne, 986-8100. And don’t forget to come… Read more.