Come to the Annual Meeting on Sunday, March 22, 12:15 pm. Share lunch and fellowship first! Click on the link below to visit the page, which includes the 2014 Annual Report. Cover art: Render Me Fearless by Jessica Holly
what's happening
Bread for the World Offering of Letters This Week
Today began the first of a week of prayer through writing as we engage our government on behalf of those who have too little. With Bread for the World, our covenant partner, we wrote letters to our congresspeople advocating for nutrition programs for the one in five children in the U.S.A. who live in poverty… Read more.
This Weekend at Union Church
Saturday, Clothing Swap, 4-7pm, Community Room. $10 to take home clothes Help the environment, help your friends, help your wardrobe, help keep sweatshops out of business, help our youth get to camp! You can do all these things in one place. Bring clothes you want to get rid of, and go home with all sorts… Read more.
Wednesday Nite Live classes, Saturday Events and Ongoing Lent Opportunities
Our Wednesday Nite Lives have a couple of new opportunities for Lent! 2 classes will begin tonight at 6:30. Come for supper at 5:45 & stay for a class. Register at — or just come! The QiGong Workshop has been rescheduled for this coming Saturday, 2/28, so you haven’t missed it! Faith and Money… Read more.
Transfiguration Day Prayer, February 15, 2015
Transfiguration, the day of change and challenge, is always the last day in the season after Epiphany and the Sunday immediately before the start of Lent. In the story we see Jesus on the mountain with 3 disciples visited by Moses and Elijah and a reprise of the voice at his baptism. Tempted to remain… Read more.
Ash Wednesday, Feb 18, 7pm
WEATHER ADVISORY: Snow may have blanketed the city, but the church is dry and warm and services will proceed as planned. That said, please make safe and careful decisions about coming as weather conditions are due to be very cold and there may be more snow. If you can’t make it to the Wed. Night… Read more.
Sign up for the Habitat for Humanity Build! From Jack Marshall
Hello All, Now it’s easier than ever to volunteer for the Habitat Build! No longer do you have to email me, now you can sign up directly online. Follow the link below, register your email address, and view the calendar of build dates. You’ll get a two day reminder email before your scheduled dates. Make… Read more.
Coming up at Union Church
Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 21, we will be having a Sounds of the Seasons musical Sunday wrapped into our regular Order of Worship! Also on December 21, at 7:00 pm, in Cowan Chapel, there will be a special “Long Night Service for Prayers of Healing.” This special quiet service is for anyone who is… Read more.