what's happening
Bereans United for Racial Justice (BURJ) meets tonight
Bereans United for Racial Justice (BURJ) is a new group currently forming in Berea. They will meet tonight, Tuesday, October 6, at 6:30 p.m. at the Carter G. Woodson Center in the Alumni Building on Berea College’s campus (note change). BURJ is an off-shoot of a more wide-spread organization, SURJ (Standing Up for Racial Justice),… Read more.
Joys & Concerns, Weekly Announcements from Union Church
Joys and Concerns: Congratulations to Lane Holbrook & Heather Warner, who were married here October 3, with Mitch & Wyndee Holbrook presiding. Prayers for Merlin Kindel, whose prostate cancer has metastasized and is causing complications. He has a new tumor in his neck that is causing his hand to go numb, so he… Read more.
Weekly Announcements from Union Church, Sept. 28
Program at WNL this week – Mike Harrington will present on the Pride Education Project. Class Taught by Rev. Kent and Rev. Rachel continues: Big A** Themes of the Bible! 7:00 pm Wednesday. This week: Redemption! The Bible is a record and reminder of God’s unending (and sometimes tough) love. Reconnecting, revaluing, redeeming… Read more.
Reminder- Work Morning tomorrow, 9-noon
Announcements: Week of September 20, 2015
Here are your weekly announcements from Union Church. Click the “Read More” button to get the full listing and, if you have any questions, please call the church office at 859-986-3725. Marlene Payne now has a CaringBridge site for those who would like to leave greetings and keep informed. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/marlenepayne Class Taught by… Read more.
Prayer for the Week: September 21, 1015
The United Nations calls upon all nations to set aside September 21st of each year as International Peace Day. Along with many other churches and city organizations we joined in on Sunday as sponsors of a Peace Day picnic, with many fine speakers and lovely weather. In his sermon, Rev. Kent connected the story of… Read more.
Weekly Announcements from Union Church
Marlene Payne now has a CaringBridge site for those who would like to leave greetings and keep informed. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/marlenepayne Sept. 14: Classic Choir begins! The third season of the Chorale begins at 7:00 pm – NEW SINGERS are invited! Those interested in joining us are asked to visit with director Larry Brandenburg for a brief… Read more.