Rev. Kent will present photos and show and tell items from his recent trip to the Middle East as part of a One Great Hour of Sharing visit refugee and migrant support partners. His presentation will start at 6:30pm in the Community Room, but everyone is invited for supper at 5:45pm, as part of our… Read more.
what's happening
Prayer for the Week: October 12, 2016
Recently returned from a trip to the Holy Land, Jordan, Egypt and Morocco meeting with refugee and displaced migrant families, Rev. Kent meditated in his sermon on the nature of “Home” when no permanent place can be claimed in that way. The experience of those fleeing persecution and war may be far from our insulated… Read more.
July 31, 2016, Share YOUR Music Sunday Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost July 31, 2016 10:30 am Meditation Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world. — Martin Luther From there to Here Welcome & Announcements Welcome to this service… Read more.
Sacred Threads Open House July 30, 2-4 pm
A special Open House of the Sacred Threads quilt display is planned for Saturday, July 30th from 2-4 PM. Docent Ramona Culp will speak about the display and give a little background on the quilts on display. Lemonade and cookies will be served on the veranda. Sacred Threads is an national exhibition of quilts about life’s journeys: joy, inspiration,… Read more.
Memorial Service and Arrangements for Kelly Ambrose
Friends, Arrangements for Kelly Ambrose are these: Visitation Saturday June 25, Seabury Center, 6:30 – 9:30 pm Memorial Service Sunday, June 26, Union Church sanctuary, 4:00 pm Wake following the service at Churchill Weavers, 100 Churchill Ct. Berea. Click the link for a map: Finger foods to share at the wake would be very… Read more.
Sacred Threads Travel Exhibit HERE at Union Church, July 3-31!
Sacred Threads is an exhibition of quilts about life’s journeys: joy, inspiration, spirituality, peace/brotherhood, grief and healing. This biennial exhibition was established to provide a safe venue for quilters who see their work as a connection to the sacred and/or as an expression of their spiritual journey. The objective is to create a dignified exhibition of artwork… Read more.
Rev. Gail Bowman's Sermon Available Now
We were blessed to host worship during the 2016 Berea College Summer Reunion, Sunday June 12. Rev. Gail E. Bowman, director of the Willis D. Weatherford, Jr. Campus Christian Center brought the sermon, and by popular demand we are pleased to make her manuscript available here. Many thanks to her and to President Lyle Roelofs… Read more.
Vigils for Slain and Wounded Victims of Orlando
Tonight at 8pm in Triangle Park Lexington there will be vigil for the more than 103 wounded and slaughtered victims of the mass shooting in Orlando. Our hearts break with the news of this tragedy and any who would like to attend are invited to meet at Union Church at 6:30pm tonight to carpool to… Read more.