Dear Friends, As you will have read or heard, Associate Pastor Rev. Rachel Small Stokes has accepted a call to become Designated Interim Pastor at Immanuel United Church of Christ in Louisville, KY. She will serve here until February 11, 2018 then assume her new duties as head of staff at church of her own…. Read more.
what's happening
From Rev. Rachel
December 11, 2017 Beloved family of Union Church, If you were in church yesterday, you heard the news that I have been offered and have accepted a call to be the Designated Interim Pastor of Immanuel United Church of Christ in Louisville. This means, of course, that I will resign my position as Associate Pastor… Read more.
Give Gifts that Matter: Alternative Christmas Market continues online
Giving a gift to a local, national, or international charity is wonderful way to celebrate the people you love. Your gift will always fit, be the right color, and never has to be dusted! Agencies doing critical work depend on our generosity and the Berea Alternative Christmas Market is a wonderful way to help them… Read more.
Deck the Halls!! Order poinsettias now! Early deadline this year.
Want to help make our sanctuary beautiful for Advent & Christmas? We’ll order and pick up poinsettias for you! Please click & fill out the form to order, pay for & designate them in memory or in honor of someone and have their name printed in the bulletin. After the holidays, take your plants home… Read more.
In Memoriam: Kevin Burke
Dearest Church Family and Friends, With a heavy, heavy heart I write to share the death of my step-father and beloved Union Church member, Kevin Burke. Kevin died suddenly and unexpectedly at home last night (Friday) from a cardiac arrest or embolism. There was no indication of illness, nor was he having any physical problems…. Read more.
Prayer for the Week: August 14, 2017
Violence and intimidation by white supremacist hate groups dominated our thinking and deepened our sorrows this weekend. In the scripture readings yesterday we were reminded of Jesus walking across the water to the nearly swamped disciples. Peter asks for this ghostly figure to prove he is Jesus by telling him, “Lord if it is you,… Read more.
In Memoriam: Loretta Y. Mountjoy
Like the roots of the different plants in a garden, joys and sorrows are intertwined in the moments of our lives. In the midst of other joys, I’m so sorry to share the news that Loretta Mountjoy, long-time member and former director of the “Woman’s Industrial” sewing program, died early Tuesday morning at Central Baptist… Read more.
Berea Leadership Experience – a Great Success!
The first Berea Leadership Experience was a rousing success!! Check out these great photos! From July 24th-29th, 49 kids ages 6-13 from Berea and Richmond came together at the Friends’ Meeting House to learn skills of conflict resolution, mindful meditation, connecting with nature, media literacy, and cooperative leadership. It took the forms of practicing yoga… Read more.