Announcements Need an awesome water bottle? Water bottle fundraiser $10.00, $5.00 goes to support Faith Development programs! Acheiveing & Building Life Equally (ABLE) Support Group for those with visible and invisible disabilities and care givers) meets August 27 (tomorrow) at 11:15 am in the Fellowship Hall of Berea Baptist Church. Speaker will be James Easter… Read more.
what's happening
2018 Directory Info
New Directory coming in earliest September! Use this form if you’d like to update your info, OR if you haven’t been in the Directory and would like to be! Thanks! (please fill out for each member of your household). Feel free to send a photo, too (with or without your cones)! [gravityform id=”66″ title=”true”… Read more.
Monday, August 20, Announcements. Music Potluck Thursday, all welcome!
There will be a potluck picnic 6:30 pm on Thursday for all who are in the vocal choir and handbell ensemble AND all who are thinking about joining either group! At Rev. Kent’s home, 298 Harrison Rd.. All welcome. Nan Gravel has Monarchs to share! She’ll show anyone interested how to give the butterflies a… Read more.
August 13 Monday Announcements
UPDATE: The 9th Annual Celtic Festival events at Union Church: Cowan Chapel — 3 pm Irish song session and a violin concert at 4 pm AND in the sanctuary: a fantastic traditional & grassroots concert at 8 pm (admission $20, students/kids $5, under 6 free, special seating $50 ) — preceded by Pipes and Drums on the… Read more.
Monday Announcements, Handbell Rehearsal for August 12 performance this Weds., info about the Poor Peoples' Campaign
Dear Friends, Please join us for a very special UNITED Interfaith Encounter Tuesday, June, 26, 7:00 pm at Christ the King Church in Lexington as Buddhists, Christians, Jews and Muslims join in prayer for the restoration of the dignity of our immigrant and refugee sisters and brothers. Merely stopping the inhumane practice of separating children… Read more.
Monday Announcements from Union Church
Thanks to all who made the Youth Talent Show a success! William Maxwell has a new book available, The First Hero, an historical fiction novel. Ramadan begins this week on Tuesday night. Rev. Kent will spend part of the week with our visitors from our Japanese Sister City, Hokuto City, Japan. Next Sunday is Pentecost,… Read more.
URGENT! Surprise Gun Bill Needs YOUR Opposition!
Kentucky lawmakers are considering a surprise guns in schools bill at 11:30 am TODAY. PLEASE call 1-800-372-7181 IMMEDIATELY to voice your opposition to this dangerous proposition. Leave a message for the Senate Education Committee. Arming teachers confuses their role and makes it more likely for children to be hurt. We need to keep guns OUT… Read more.
Lent Opportunities and Holy Week
This year’s Lenten theme will be an all-church focus on where we’re headed next in discerning God’s path for Union Church. As part of this, we invite your purchase of An Other Kingdom by Walter Brueggemann for an all-church read. We’ll be hosting weekly discussion groups on this book, as well as an online group…. Read more.