The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is named after the movement Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. organized in the months leading up to his assassination. It is picking up where Reverend King and his team left off. The movement aims to combat the evils of systemic racism, poverty, ecological destruction,… Read more.
what's happening
Easter Sunday's Call and Prayer
The Call One: God of life, in gratitude and great joy we laud you for the gifts of Christ’s Resurrection. All: Weeping may linger for a night, but joy comes in the morning. One: God turns our weeping into dancing and clothes us in gladness. No more do we walk in shadow. Death is… Read more.
Order a Virtual Lily & Honor a Loved One
Honor and remember those you love while helping others. Names of those remembered will be shared on our Easter Broadcast and print materials. Your contribution of $10 for each, will be designated for local COVID-19 relief and One Great Hour of Sharing, our disaster relief partner helping in over 126 countries. As we remember the… Read more.
Weekly Update from Pastor Kent 3/31/20
Prayer of the Week: “Wind of the Holy, Breath of unbounded life, knit together the bones of our resolve and prophesy to us when we are faint of heart or of faith. Unbind us from our fears, unwrap us from the tombs of ignorance and inaction. Even in the grave of our doubts, remind us of… Read more.
Monday, 3-30, Announcements from Union Church
For the latest information regarding COVID-19 visit Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services’ website: (updated daily) COVID-19 Hotline (800) 722-5725 Need some assistance with technology? This might be a good time to explore options of grocery pick-up services, online ordering, e-books, face-to-face video communications, and connecting to Union services remotely. If you are… Read more.
Weekly Update from Pastor Kent
Prayer of the Week: Though we walk in the shadows, your light shines. Though we fear death, you set a table before us. Though we are buffeted and shaken, a cloak of light you wrap around our every trouble. Here in this moment, shepherd us through our fears and lead us beside the still waters… Read more.
Breaking News: No Services or Annual Meeting This Sunday, March 15
At the request of Gov. Beshear, all churches in the commonwealth are being asked to suspend services and large gatherings for this weekend. The hope is that this will further delay the spread of the novel corona virus and the Covid-19 respiratory illness it causes. Therefore Union Church will not be holding services this weekend… Read more.
Ash Wednesday Worship Service tonight, 7:00 pm
Ash Wednesday Worship Service 7 pm, in Cowan Chapel. Ash Wednesday is the first day of the Season of Lent. Its name comes from the ancient practice of placing ashes on worshippers’ heads or foreheads as a sign of humility before God, a symbol of mourning and sorrow at the death that sin brings into… Read more.