Prayer of the Week: Though we walk in the shadows, your light shines. Though we fear death, you set a table before us. Though we are buffeted and shaken, a cloak of light you wrap around our every trouble. Here in this moment, shepherd us through our fears and lead us beside the still waters… Read more.
what's happening
Breaking News: No Services or Annual Meeting This Sunday, March 15
At the request of Gov. Beshear, all churches in the commonwealth are being asked to suspend services and large gatherings for this weekend. The hope is that this will further delay the spread of the novel corona virus and the Covid-19 respiratory illness it causes. Therefore Union Church will not be holding services this weekend… Read more.
Ash Wednesday Worship Service tonight, 7:00 pm
Ash Wednesday Worship Service 7 pm, in Cowan Chapel. Ash Wednesday is the first day of the Season of Lent. Its name comes from the ancient practice of placing ashes on worshippers’ heads or foreheads as a sign of humility before God, a symbol of mourning and sorrow at the death that sin brings into… Read more.
The Wheels on the Preschool Go Round and Round
Read this article in the Christian Science Monitor about the awesome work done by Partners for Education (and our own Tennant Kirk!). Brief excerpt below: “Appalachian Kentucky, where Sunny and Rosie roam, suffers from what the U.S. government terms “persistent poverty,” meaning that it has had poverty rates at or exceeding 20% for more than 30 years…. Read more.
Photos from Jan. 12 Worship Service by Rachael White. Reaffirming our Baptismal Vows
The Call from Sunday, Jan. 12
Oscar Romero, in the quote below, speaks of each follower as a prophet. How can you be God’s microphone? Not feeling it? Then what is your role? How do you live out the connection to Jesus life and ministry? The Call Each one of you has to be God’s microphone. Each one of you has… Read more.
Prayer in Action Days at the State Capitol. Tomorrow, Jan. 14 – Criminal Justice Reform
The Kentucky Council of Churches is hosting Prayer in Action Days at the State Capitol during this year’s General Assembly to pray for government officials and act on behalf of Kentucky’s most vulnerable citizens. “We will pray for our governor and legislators and call them to a higher moral agenda that puts the well-being of Kentucky’s people… Read more.
Research Survey re: Housing Insecurity in Sexual & Gender Minorities in Kentucky – Can You help?
My name is Jasmine Routon and I am a doctoral candidate at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I am from Kentucky and hope that my dissertation will give back to my community. I am emailing in hopes of recruiting sexual and gender minorities living in Kentucky for my research. My research focuses on housing… Read more.