Mark your calendars! The Union Church auction to benefit flood relief in Eastern Kentucky IS LIVE!Use this link to see and bid on these wonderful items–—absolute-online-auction-64627/detailsAuction closes at 6 pm on Friday, November 11. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to bid on some fabulous treasures from art work and antiques to handmade baskets and… Read more.
what's happening
Creation & Evolution: Must we Choose?
Why Public Policy Matters
Confirmation Recognition & Halloween Potluck, Oct. 30th
At 10:30am Oct. 30th we will recognize our Confirmation students for their 8 weeks of study and learning. Following the service, about 11:30am, we will have a Halloween Potluck Meal downstairs in the Community Room. Community Life and Growth will provide Soup (including a vegan option), table service and drinks. We will also have pumpkin… Read more.
Gathering of Friends Old & New
Oct. 9 Announcements
COVID Guidelines Reviewed at Church Council Meeting, Sept. 19 Our goal is to make the updated guidance simple and ensure continuity of all church activities while empowering congregants to choose what makes them feel safe. ¨ Union Church recommends masks and will provide them at all building entrances. ¨ The sides of the sanctuary are set aside… Read more.