Advent is a time of waiting. Waiting in the dark, on the edge of the Light that is coming. Waiting on the edge of Love. As we wait for the presence of Christ, Love already stirs within us. Whether quietly or boisterously, Love yearns for the Light. Whether our hearts are heavy or exuberant, Or… Read more.
what's happening
Announcements, Christmas Eve Services!
Christmas Eve at Union Church. Early Service at 5:30 pm, Gathering Music of the Season starts about 5:00. A Berea tradition — candle-lit service with music of the season by the church choir, orchestra, handbell ensemble, and special guests Al, Alice & Ruth, Deborah Payne and others! Rev. Kent will share the Christmas Story, and… Read more.
Report from Finance Board
2020 Budget Following the annual budget meeting December 8, where we listened and received your wishes and direction, the Church Council met on December 16. Council made these alterations to the 2020 Budget: Income: $45,500 was added thanks to two anonymous donors! We added line items to the Office Administrator’s compensation and restored those same… Read more.
Sunday, December 22, 2019, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Fourth Sunday of Advent December 22, 2019 10:30 am Meditation Is it not true that somewhere deep down in the silence of our troubled hearts, we have always looked for God’s coming? Yet, in the last analysis, we… Read more.
Christmas Eve at Union Church, 5:30 pm Service. Gathering Music about 5:00 pm
All are invited to this Berea tradition — a candle-lit service with music of the season by the church choir, orchestra, handbell ensemble, and special guests Al, Alice & Ruth, Deborah Payne and others! Rev. Kent will share the Christmas Story, and a finger food reception will be held afterwards in the Community Room. Gathering… Read more.
11:00 pm Christmas Eve Service in Cowan Chapel
Provide a Moment of Silence Before City Council Meetings
Rev. Kent, several other clergy, and members of our congregation have expressed concern about prayers to start city council meetings. To be sure that all citizens of Berea are welcome and included they have long advocated a simple moment of silence for each person to pray in their own tradition. City Council recently embroiled itself in controversy… Read more.