A group comprised of many who are part of the so-called “Berea Moderates” FaceBook forum have called for a protest of Union Church on Sunday afternoon, October 28. The group has received a parade permit that will enable them to assemble on the public sidewalk along Prospect St. In contrast to some who hope that a protest will somehow inconvenience or counter the church values, in fact, Union Church welcomes them and all who would exercise their constitutional rights in a peaceful way. It’s something the congregation has actively prayed and labored for, for all of its 165 year history. It is our hope to welcome all who come to protest with Christly respect and courtesy. We plan to have coffee available for them, and space for them to be out of the way of sidewalk traffic.
The individuals calling for the protest have indicated that they are displeased about the church allowing Planned Parenthood to host an information meeting in our community room. According to Berea Police, the organizers are also under the erroneous impression that all campus women will be invited and required to hear about abortion as the only means of birth control. This is not the case.
The meeting is for previous and interested supporters of Planned Parenthood in southern Madison County and will be discussing advances in telemedicine, access to birth control, opportunities for starting a local chapter, and other organizational issues. Union Church is neither supporting nor partnering with Planned Parenthood in this event. Berea College is not requiring anyone to attend. There is no “rally” to promote abortion. Though many of our members are active supporters of women’s health through Planned Parenthood, the building is merely the site of the meeting. The church rents meeting space to a wide variety of non-profit groups on an “as available” basis. And as with other groups, some of our members are also members of this rental group.
As followers of Christ, Union Church members are very concerned with the state of women’s health care. Dr. Louise Hutchins, long-time Union Church member and a women’s health pioneer n central Appalachia founded the “Mountain Maternal” clinic to keep women from dying in childbirth, to educate about birth control and prevent sexually transmitted diseases, particularly to low-income families with fewer resources and access to health care. That same work is carried on faithfully and cost-effectively by Planned Parenthood, giving millions of women (and men) better health. Though abortive services are a VERY SMALL part of what Planned Parenthood offers, it is a legal, rare, and sometimes necessary procedure. Planned Parenthood neither promotes nor requires abortive services, but instead works to make sure that women and their families are not in the position of needing one by providing sound health education and access to birth control. Union Church respects each person’s conscience in this very difficult matter and seeks to shine the loving light of Christ into every need. All of those earnestly and respectfully wrestling with these complex questions are in our prayers and welcome in our building.
Union Church was founded in 1853 as a community of Christ committed to the liberation of enslaved persons and the eradication of the institution based on our Gospel values. Union Church was a primary founder of Berea College which provides free and low cost education to students of promise with limited financial resources, and has continued to be a partner in advancing the worth and dignity of all persons in Jesus name.
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