Over the summer Pastor Kent and Director of Music Ministries Gabe Evans have been introducing new elements into our Sunday worship. For Rev. Kent, the hope is to help deepen the sense of meaning and personal connection to God for each worshiper. For Gabe, there is excitement about the possibility of using our excellent musical resources in expanded ways.
When the two met together for summer planning, Rev. Kent wondered if there might be opportunities to make the entry into our worship service more meaningful. The “call to worship” has often been a responsive recitation between a worship leader and those gathered. But was this really enticing? Did it actually “call” or command attention, and feel invitational to an hour of being permeable to the Holy?
Together they decided to try to create a new threshold, a new doorway from everything happening outside in our regular lives that leads to a “sanctuary hour,” a time apart. Use of poetry, musical underscoring, new ways of using song have all contributed so far to a more interactive worship experience.
Rev. Kent has also increased the amount of personal reflection time: time to consider the needs, prayers, and power in our own circumstances. Reflection questions have been included in the bulletins with space to write or draw responses. Opportunities to pray and reflect with more than just words have also been added: opportunities to receive healing prayer, to plant actual seeds while thinking of what needs to grow spiritually, and other meaningful actions are becoming part of each service.
“Worship has always been about connecting our lives with the Holy Presence, but there are so many rich ways to do that,” said Rev. Kent. “Rather than watching a minister and worship leader either pray or act, it is important to me that everyone has that opportunity to engage in meaningful, thoughtful, powerful connection with God. I hope these additions will give new windows and insights to everyone who worships with us.”
Over the summer you can expect that we will be invited to reflect deeply, to be nourished powerfully, and then to act faithfully so that when we are sent back out into the world with a blessing in word and beautiful music, we can be stronger and more connected than when we first arrived. Photos by Rachael White
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