Coming Up
Sept. 1 – 1:30 pm, ShapeNote singers in Cowan Chapel today
3:00 pm, Memorial Service for John Payne and small bites reception afterward
Sept. 2 – Office closed in observance of Labor Day
Sept. 4 – 4:00 pm, Psalm Study, Training Room, all welcome!
5:30 pm, Open Table, Youth Group eats together before their meeting
6:30 pm, Theology in the Round
Sept. 5 – 5:30 pm, Orchestra; 6:30 pm, Choir
Sept. 8 – After Worship, Classroom, Book Group Gathering
6:30 pm, Cowan Chapel, service of Compline, based upon the Psalms.
3:00 pm today, Memorial Service & Small-bites reception in memory of Dr. John V. Payne. A memorial service for John Payne will be held in the main sanctuary at 3pm. Local friends and church family are asked to bring small-bites for a potluck reception afterwards, honoring his great love of such community gatherings (and really good food).
Thank-you to Ally Nurre for the painting exhibit! Today is the last day to view them – take a look on your way down to Coffee Hour!
Union Church Book Group Gathering: Sept 8, after Church! Explore the intersection of faith and the wide scope of human endeavors. We’ll gather after church next week to decide our best meeting time and pick our first book! All guests, members, and friends are welcome to join in a community discussion of topics ranging from science to politics to arts and letters. If you have suggestions for interesting books, send them to Steve Rutledge who will help convene (and corral!) the group:
Suggestions can also be sent or dropped off to the church office.
Community Meals Every Wednesday 5:30pm-6:30pm: “Open Table” is a “pay what you can” ($0-$$) catered meal open to anyone. Chef Deb Beishline and a wonderful crew of volunteers prepare the menu each week always with GF and Vegetarian-friendly options (other needs can be accommodated on request!). Our hope is to remember the gifts of connection with great food the chance to “rub elbows” with neighbors. The food is great, the company is better, the hungry are fed, and we pray the love Jesus will be shown!
Weds, Sept. 4, Menu!
¨ Chicken Marbella
¨ Oven Baked Chicken
¨ Rice
¨ Green Beans
¨ Salad
¨ Bread Pudding
Union Church at the Spoonbread Festival (Sept. 20-22) Our Union Church Worker Bees and Volunteers to are invited to help implement, greet, maintain and welcome folks at our booth at the Spoonbread Festival this September here in Berea! For more information, potential volunteers can contact Dr. Pam Chabora at pamela.chabora or text her at (701) 430-1439. Let’s all grab this opportunity to represent Union Church by reaching out and blessing our Community at Large at this popular annual event!

Friends of Aging in Berea (FAB) is a non-profit coalition of community partners who are dedicated to an age-friendly Berea. FAB would like to find out a little about you and how you think Berea can be a better place for people of all ages, using the survey at the QR code, or a via paper copy found in the back hallway.

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