Berea Shape Notes Group TODAY – all welcome! They will meet the first and third Sundays of every month in the parlor, at 1:30. No experience or talent necessary! Come one, come all!
Wednesday Evening Open Table – Supper is at 5:30 (provided—no need to bring anything), other activities and groups too, including Youth Group at 6; ConneXions (for college students & young adults) and Handbell Ensemble rehearsal both at 6:30! Come for supper and hear all about it!
Help Wanted
Join the Z/V Team! Contact Rina Tanaka
Join the Nursery Team! Contact Rev. David Jones
Old Time Music Jam Sept. 23 here at Union Church in the Parlor from 10 a.m. until about 12:30 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of a month. Enter at the handicap ramp.
All musical skill levels are welcome! Why not come on out some Saturday morning to listen, learn a new tune, just play along, dance or sing.
Grace in this Place—Celebrating 100 Years! Union Church will celebrate the history, tradition and preservation of the John G Fee Memorial Building on September 24 (2:00 pm – 5:00 pm) with a community event, “Grace in This Place – Celebrating 100 Years,” which will include tours of the building, music, a reception, infor-mational displays, and rededication of the building. The event is open to the public and all are welcome to attend, and guests will have the opportunity to share their favorite memories of the space.

Teams are needed to make this Centennial Celebration a success: Straighten the Parlor, straighten the chapel, spruce up the hallways, hang art on the walls, hang historical photos in the gallery, do the bulletin board in narthex, serve as tour guide leaders! Call or email the office if you can help!
Mission & Service Auction !!! Mark your calendars! The Union Church auction to benefit Room In The Inn is scheduled to go online Wednesday, October 18 and close at 6 pm on Thursday , October 26.
The items will be displayed for viewing in the Community Room on Thursday, October 26 from 3— 6 pm. All items must be picked up on Friday, October, 27 from 11 to 6 pm or by arrangement.
If you have treasures to donate please put them in the empty room off the Community Room (former nursery). Please bring your donations to the Church before October 2 (no clothing, pls.). Volunteers to help with the preparation will be much appreciated!! Please contact Tennant Kirk at 859-200-0179 for information or to volunteer.
Smoke Alarms Save Lives: On October 10 and 14, American Red Cross volunteers, fire departments and partners will install 600 free smoke alarms in Madison County. Working smoke alarms can cut the risk of death from home fires in half. Volunteer to help install free smoke alarms. If you need a (free) smoke alarm installed please contact Dawn Marie Beals (859) 253-1331 or email
Help with Water and Summer Cooling Bills Kentucky River Foothills Development Council, Inc. will accept applications for the Low Income Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) and Summer Cooling portion of the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Applications can be made through September 22, or until available funds have been expended.
How to Apply: LIHWAP and LIHEAP operate on an appointment-based system. You can schedule your appointment by calling 859-544-1713 or online at
Requests for assistance can be made by contacting:
Clark Co: 859-744-235, email
Estill Co: 606-723-4492, email
Madison Co: 859-623-6514, email
LIHWAP and LIHEAP are statewide initiatives sponsored by Community Action Kentucky Inc. in partnership with the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) and is directly funded by the U.S. Department for Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.
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