In the light of this week’s tragic murders, an Advent theme of “Joy” can seem impossible to reconcile. But the gospel was “good news” not to those who’se life was untroubled, but came to those who knew (and know) brokenness, sorrow, and despair. The words of the angels “Fear Not” portend not some “pie in the sky” cheery denial of the world as it is. Instead, the beginning of the Good News, is the assurance of the end of despair, the end of darkness. Especially in this week, we try to remember that our Joy is a defiance of what the world might dish out, and an audacious shout for the justice and hope that IS the living body of Christ. And death shall have no dominion… not any more. Not ever.
Here’s the prayer we offered this Sunday in light of our true joy. May the words be a blessing for us all throughout this holy Season.
O God, how ever can we sing the songs of Joy with so much sorrow and pain on our heart? There is too much blood, there are too many bodies; death is too much with us, and the madness of the human heart seems to know no safe bound. We can only turn to you, mute witnesses of such horror, and pray that You, Lord God, can wring some hope from the broken places of our lives. Help us lord, we cry. Hold them, Lord, we pray. Make it better, please. For every one here holding hurt and sorrow, send healing on swift wings.
Then shall we know Joy. Then shall mourning be turned to dancing. Then shall we remember the promise that a Christ is coming to reconcile all things, heal all the broken bones, and burn all the bloody garments for tramping of those with guns will be heard no more. Though we walk in darkness and this world seems damaged beyond redemption, you are not blinded and you have not stopped loving this place. In joy, we who can remember it, will go forward in your name, whispering it’s prospects, cupping our hands around it’s too small flame. We who know and love, will do so in the darkest places holding the divine space, lighting it from within. Like those Jews of old who thought they had only enough oil for 1 night, with your help we will burn with enough light to see us through this week. Grant that we might be and become your agents of joy, especially in such a time as this, for Christ’s sake, and for the sake of all whom he loves so dear.
–Rev. Kent
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