Rev. Rachel preached a sermon illustrated by Bearington Bear and the inside, outside, upside downside ways we can feel about our lives and about our faith. In the gospel for this week’s reading, the disciple Thomas doubts and is still counted among the faithful. In fact he becomes the “stand in” for all of us who weren’t there 200o yrs ago and yet have received peace and power (as well as confusion and doubt) from Jesus’ life and ministry. Here is a prayer written by Rev. Kent and prayed beautifully by Tom Frazier for all us who are may feel uncertain and hopeful at the same time.
In the evening, when we sit and wonder, how oddly comforting, Lord, to know so many of your servants have doubted. When we do not always touch the sense of your Word; when we reach for but cannot hold onto the greater work before us; when love is hidden in the unbearable folds of pain and death: we are not the first to doubt. We believe. And: Help our unbelief. This is the prayer of the faithful through all time. In our doubts, come through the doors of our fear and breathe your peace: peace to those seeking healing, peace to those who have much to do; Peace to we who are violent, peace to we who profit from war; Breathe peace in your presence, mystery in our making, blessing in seeking you more fully. Lord, we doubt, and we believe. Teach us to abound in both. Amen.
–Rev. Kent Gilbert
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