Today Rev. Kent and several members of Union Church have been putting their faith into action. They need your help, too, and here are ways you can advocate for sensible gun safety in light of the ongoing bloodshed here and across the country.
Gun violence affects every American and has already taken more than 2,015 lives in the first 50 days of 2018. That includes deaths from 34 mass shootings in just January and February alone. People of faith believe that each person is made in the image of God and that violence resulting in physical or emotional injury is counter to the will of God and Christ. We support sensible restrictions on firearms in order to mitigate the harm caused by easy access to weapons and ammunition. We also fully support mental health services and appropriate intervention with those of violent intent. There are currently three bills moving through the Kentucky legislature that are contrary to these values and principles. Along with our partners, the Kentucky Council of Churches and Moms Demand Action for Sensible Gun Laws, we ask you to take action to oppose these bills:
SB103: “School Marshal” Bill: This bill would allow guns in K-12 Kentucky Schools, with only the regular 6 hours of training for teachers and administrators. This bill is widely opposed by teachers and by law enforcement because the presence of more guns is likely to cause more danger and confusion, especially if there were an active shooter. Police can’t tell who is the enemy is, and teachers are not there to be combat trained. Research proves that school marshals have not been a very effective strategy against school shootings.
HB210: “Allows Guns to Be Carried on College Campuses.” This bill would permit concealed carry on all college properties, including sporting events, college-operated day care centers, classrooms and dorms. This bill was defeated last year but has again been brought forward. It is widely opposed by law enforcement and by many Kentucky college and university students, administrators, and faculty.
HB36: “To Eliminate Concealed Carry Permitting in the Commonwealth.” This bill would eliminate the need for a permit to carry a concealed weapon. It would eliminate the current registration and training process. If passed, anyone could carry a concealed weapon with no questions asked. This bill is Priority Number One for the NRA lobby who have tried to get it passed in every state.
There are many ways to put your prayer into action!
- Moms Demand Action have a fast, easy way to express yourself on these bill! Text the word “Kentucky” to 64433 on your phone. You’ll receive talking point information and a link to directly call KY legislators who can stop these bad bills. In particular we need are asking that you leave messages for the House and Senate Judiciary Committees. These bills can be stopped there by your efforts.
- Call 1-800-372-7181 to be connected to the Kentucky Legislative Message line. Ask to leave a message for your Senator and House Representative (if you don’t know who that is, they will help you find out!) AND leave a message for the House and Senate Judiciary committee members. The operator can take your one message and supply it to all of those parties in one phone call.
- Speak up in Churches, At Work, With Neighbors and Friends: those who profit from weapons rely on your silence and on fear. Speak about your faith and your opposition to violence, and especially about the need to speak FOR sensible laws that will keep us all safe:
- Strong background checks for ALL gun sales, private and public.
- Limits on semi-automatic weapons, assault-style weapons, and large capacity magazines.
- “No Firearm” lists: for those whose history, mental health, age or other condition make them unsuitable for ownership and access.
Call Today! And then Next Week, and the week after! Until the beloved community of Christ’s calling is visible and available to all, our work is not yet complete.
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