We can’t be together in person, but we can be in Spirit!! Come by the church from 1-5 pm and we’ll have some Palms out on a table near the handicap ramp AND a paper copy of some worship suggestions for you to share at home!! On Sunday, come to church online https://union-church.org/live-broadcast/. If you can donate to the church’s ministries, that would be much appreciated, and put to good use! https://app.easytithe.com/App/Giving/union
Palm Sunday: Holy Week starts on a Sunday called “Palm Sunday” because according to several of the Gospel accounts, Jesus was honored upon his entrance to Jerusalem with branches and palms: some waved like banners, others placed on the ground like a red carpet. Many of Jesus’ followers believed this was the beginning of a revolution against the Roman empire with Jesus as God’s messiah (“annointed one”) as many of the ancient Hebrew prophets proclaimed.
Scripture: Matthew 21:1-11
Worship Suggestion:
- If you have palms from church, consider placing them on your front door. You might not be on parade, but as others drive or walk by they can see your green!
- Read the passage together in this story from Matthew. What strikes you, or stands out? Share in a journal, or with others.
- As Messiah, people hoped Jesus would overcome and overthrow the oppression and injustices in their time. Name the oppressions and injustices you are holding in your heart. If with others, let each person name something then say “Hosanna!” together. “Hosanna” means “Save us!”
- Light a candle as you think about all the people who are in need of help and release. John tells us Jesus is “the light of the world.” Offer a prayer holding all those people, and yourself, in the light of God.
Prayer/Meditation:“Let us enter the city of God today, and shout hosanna to our King! … Let our hearts ache for justice and mercy.”
Read more at: https://godspacelight.com/?s=palm+sunday+sine
Think how on Palm Sunday we transition from the joyfulness of Jesus entering Jerusalem to the darker aspects as Holy Week begins and the shadow of the cross looms. Do you feel as if something is looming in your life? How are you taking care of yourself? At a time of crisis, simple prayers such as deep breathing and concentrating on/speaking one word (“love” “God” “Jesus” and “Peace” are a few suggestions)
Action for Others: If you have the resources, contribute to your local food bank and/or other charitable organizations to remember those who are struggling hard. If it’s safe to do so and you won’t have any contact with others, leave some greenery on someone’s door to encourage them. Pray for those in great crisis. Note: the Food Bank is only able to receive monetary donations at this time. You can help at bereaoutreach.org.
Musical Playlist:
Palm Sunday Medley:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1rXi9nXUkQ
Psaume 24: Berea College Concert Choir in Croatia: A hymn of Praise:https://vstream.berea.edu/Playlist/Concert_Choir_Balkins_Tour_2018_Email_Share?destinationID=B0G61JgUQEi9qd5NAIUwvQ&contentID=Vc9dnhA5bkWSrSAxQaSF2A&pageIndex=1&pageSize=10
“Hosanna” from “Jesus Christ Superstar 2000” — the ambivalent feelings of Palm/Passion Sunday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7x530xSkAdk
For Further reading: Lent for Everyone–Matthew–Year A by Tom Wright. The Holy Week chapter Palm Sunday.
Soul Care for a Chaotic COVID-19 filled Lent.
Breathe in the breath of God, Breathe out your cares and concerns.
Breathe in the love of God, Breathe out your doubts and despairs.
Breathe in the life of God, Breathe out your fears and frustrations.
Sit quietly before the One Who gives life and love to all creation.
Sit in awe of the One Who formed you in your mother’s womb.
Sit at peace surrounded by the One Who fills every fiber of your being.
Breathe in the breath of God, Breathe out your tensions and turmoil.
Breathe in the love of God Breathe out your haste and hurry.
Breathe in the life of God, Breathe out your work and worries.
Sit quietly before the One Who gives life and love to all creation.
Sit in awe of the One Who formed you in your mother’s womb.
Sit at peace surrounded by the One Who fills every fiber of your being.
— Christine Sine
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