At Union Church Berea, we believe all life is interconnected. We believe that love demands that we nurture those connections. Yet it seems that contemporary society is trying to disconnect us all from each other. We live in our “silos”, whether political, ideological, religious, ethnic, you name it. Social media can be used as a way to be more connected, or it can be used to isolate and destroy. Tragedies, personal or corporate, disasters, epidemics and global pandemics, all can seem to tear us from each other. We don’t want that. We work hard to keep it from happening, and work even harder to reconnect if we do get pulled apart.
Ways to connect
- One simple way to connect with us is to ring the bell and come on in. Our office administrator is in the office from 9 to 12 and 1 to 5, Monday – Friday.
- You can also call the church at 859-986-3725 or email
- You are more than welcome to visit one of our church services, Sunday mornings from 10:30 to 11:45. You can watch a service here.
- Wednesday morning Coffee with the Pastor: We are offering a Zoom gathering on most Wednesday mornings from 10-11 a.m. This is simply an informal way of checking in, sharing what’s giving us joy or causing us concern that week, and at least seeing each other’s faces (even from afar!). If you receive our weekly news email, you will receive the link or you can call the office at 859-986-3725 and ask for it to be sent to you.
- WSedenesday evening Open Table – free supper at 5:30 for anyone who’d like to come. Occassional programs are offered after the meal.
- You can connect with us anytime on this website, on our YouTube channel, on our Facebook page, or by email During the pandemic, we had service only online, but meet in person now on Sundays at 10:30 am We’ve continued our virtual ministry also. You can join in on any of the above links, or you can watch the services anytime.
If the love in you is demanding a deeper connection, you can also join us in any of our ministries and community actions. We have a lot of great people. But if we don’t have you, there is a unique person that we are missing.