As the news of today’s explosions during the Boston Marathon unfold, we offer our prayers for all those affected. We do not yet know the extent of the tragedy, but we know that lives have been lost and injuries sustained. No matter the cause, the effect is one of tragedy.
God, in this time of turmoil and uncertainty, we turn to you for our guidance and comfort. Come, and dwell among the people of Boston.
Be with those who are learning news of injured and killed family and friends, that they will be comforted and supported by your servants.
Be with those who are responding to the scene, that they may have clear heads and calm hands, and that they will receive the help they need, too.
Be with the investigators, as they seek the truth, that they might assist justice to be done without violent retribution.
Be with those who caused the explosion, that their hearts might be turned toward you.
Be with the people of Boston, as they mourn and fear together, that they might find that the strength of their community is stronger than their fear.
Be with our nation, as it reels from an overload of news of violence and perpetual fear, that we might seek your peace in the midst.
For these, and all others affected, we pray.
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