Children Are Welcome in the service, and a Staffed Nursery is available!
Please note that Union Church services are livestreamed, including the Children’s Moment. A “no camera zone” is at the back of the balcony, behind the AV booth.
Today: Reproductive Justice: Why It Matters For Christians
Join Rev. Kent and special guest, Margaret Velto, from the Kentucky Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, who will lead a forum discussion of reproductive justice issues. We will consider religious and faith perspectives along with specific information about Kentucky’s proposed constitutional amendment that seeks to limit all legal recourse to abortion in the state. There is no cost but registration is required for both the in-person or online attendance. Details, location and links will be sent after your registration is received.
Study & Reflect on the Psalms – Oct. 26, 5 pm
For the next several months the Psalms group will be reading Basil Pennington’s book Poetry as Prayer: the Psalms.
Each week we also focus on one or two psalms, beginning by reading them aloud. Come join us on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. for a time of lively and insightful sharing. Next opportunity: Oct. 26. For more information feel free to contact Donna Eder or David Duffee .
Climate Change Discussion Group Oct. 30, 3 pm
By meeting and working together we can have an impact. Sunday afternoon 3:00-4:30, Union Church Community Room. Each session may be started with a brief breathing meditation.
Cold Weather Clothing Needed
Liberty Place, the women’s recovery center in Richmond, needs donations of cold weather clothing — coats, jackets, hats, scarves, flannel shirts, sweaters, sweatpants and sweatshirts for about 75 residents.
For information please email
Voting Information:
DATES TO REMEMBER 2022 – If you need a ride to vote, call the office and we’ll get you one & if you can offer a ride, call the office and we’ll keep a list..
· Til October 25th–Request Mail-in Absentee Ballot
· October 26th-29th–Excused, Walk-in, Absentee Voting
· October 31st-November 2nd–Excused, Walk-in, Absentee Voting
· November 3rd-5th–No Excuse, Walk-in, Early Voting
· November 8–General Election
All Saints Day Photos Needed
We’ll observe All Saints Day on November 6 at worship. Union Church will share a video “ofrenda,” with pictures of those who have died and whom we are remembering. In Latin traditions, an ofrenda altar with photos is often set up in the house during the annual and traditional Día de los Muertos celebration. You are invited to submit a photo of your beloved one for inclusion in our ofrenda by using the form link below. Those who have recently passed, and those who have died long ago: all are part of the great cloud of witnesses to God’s grace and love. Please send by noon on Nov. 3 – thanks!
Union Church’s Auction Event!
The online auction will begin on November 7 and end on Friday November 11 at 6 pm. Preview for auction items will be from 3 to 6 on Friday, November 11. All items will be picked up on Saturday, November 12 from 9 to 3. Watch for any updates!

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