Coming Up!
* TODAY! Talk by artist Jeff Pool, after Coffee Hour
* Nov. 27 – NO Open Table … BUT …. Come for Thanksgiving!
* Nov. 28 – 2:30-4:00 pm, Community Room -Thanksgiving dinner
*Dec. 1 – First Sunday of Advent, 2-4 pm, Hanging of the Greens, sanctuary
* Dec. 4 – Open Table
* Dec. 6 & 7 – Berea College Christmas Concert, sanctuary.
* Dec. 8 – Special Music by Anita Lerche, Danish-American singer-songwriter
à Dec. 10 – Blood Drive, Community Room
*Dec. 11 – stay after Open Table for some Christmas cookie decorating & other intergenerational fun! See p. 11
* Dec. 15 – Classic Chorale shares their talents in worship
3 pm – Congregational Budget Meeting
After Coffee Hour today, stay a while for a talk by Rev. Jeff Pool about the art that has been hanging in the Pross Gallery.
About tonight’s Compline: The Sabbath Compline at 6:30 pm in Cowan Chapel is a night prayer of psalm, silence, and song — a creative hush with God at the end of the day at the beginning of the week. Cowan Chapel is adjacent to Union Church on the Scaffold Cane Rd. side.
No Wednesday dinner, come to Thanksgiving instead! Let us know you’re coming!

Hanging of the Greens Dec. 1! Decorate the church and bring cookie/dessert left-overs to share 2pm-4pm!
Christmas Cantata in the works! Celebrate Advent and Christmas making music! Sing or Play for December music and special Cantata. Our Music Director is starting early plans for a Christmas Cantata. If you, or any kids or youth in your household, would like to participate, please get in touch with Bernardo! bernardo_
Speaking of Christmas … it’s not too early to start collecting or buying new or slightly used books for kids and young adults (particularly needed) for Christmas baskets! You can bring to the church office.
The Food Bank reports its resources are running very low. Financial donations can be made at The Food Bank doesn’t take food items, they pool all our donations of money to get the best deals on items most needed. Thank you!
Bake sale January 5 to benefit Highways and Hedges! Would you like to donate some baked goods or money to buy some? Please contact Deb Beishline at beishlinedeborah
There are bins around the church for donations of cold weather clothing and gear (esp. tarps and sleeping bags) for our unhoused neighbors.
Special Event December 11, after Open Table

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