Coming up
Nov. 12-Giving Day, dedication of our 2024 Pledges
Nov. 18-Black Music Ensemble Homecoming Concert 1:30
Nov. 23-Thanksgiving Dinner in the Community Room! See poster, below
Dec. 1 & 2-Berea College Christmas Concert 7:30 each night
Dec. 6-Union Church Budget Meeting 6:30
Dec. 9-Loyal Jones Memorial Service 2:00 pm
Dec. 10-Classic Chorale Christmas Concert 4:00
Weekly compline service this evening. This Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m. in Cowan Chapel and each Sunday evening, Union Church will host a time of worship for everyone who yearns for a night prayer of quietness at the end of the day and the beginning of the week, a way to still your heart and mind.
In this night prayer of psalm, silence, and song—this compline—we ask God, “Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for unto thee do I lift up my soul.” All are welcome. If you have never chanted the psalms before, you are welcome to come fifteen minutes early to practice with our cantor, so that you might join the singing during worship.
Wednesday Evening Open Table – Supper is at 5:30 (provided—no need to bring anything), other activities and groups too, including Youth Group at 6; ConneXions (for college students & young adults) and Handbell Ensemble rehearsal both at 6:30!
This week:
Simple Comforts
* Tuscan White Bean Soup
* Pumpkin soup with chili-cran-apple relish
* Make your own subs
* Snickerdoodle cobbler
It’s not too late to join if you missed last week! Nov. 8 & 15 after Supper: Exploring Your Own Sacred Story Indigenous peoples across the globe have handed down their people’s sacred stories through storytelling, song, dance, and visual imagery for generations. Their collective mythology offers a cultural perspective on where they come from, how things came into being, and provides guidelines for living life well. These stories are often referenced or re-told in healing ceremonies to help re-center a person who has lost their way.
This workshop series on Wednesdays at 6:30pm will be an opportunity for you to explore your own personal sacred story. How did things come into being in your life? What centers you? What threatens to move you off your center and make you feel unwell? How do you tap into your own personal story to guide you in the days to come?
Materials provided and no art experience required. This is not about product but rather about process and sharing! Come prepared to support others and know that you will find that same support and a safe space for your own exploration.
Calling All Dog Lovers! There is great need for foster homes for dogs whose parent is going into a substance use treatment program. Many people have no one to care for their furry baby, so treatment is out of reach. Dogs and foster families are matched based on the best fit for both; length of time varies depending on what type of program the parent is completing. For more information, please email or call / text Laura Nagle at 859-358-0106.

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