“Advent” and special Church Seasons
The church year is full of special seasons and follows a yearly calendar different from the one we use everywhere else. Some Christian traditions have marked these times with special colors or emphases, while for others they may be unfamiliar. You may have noticed that Union Church decorations change from time to time according to this special church calendar.
The journey through the church year ends today with “Reign of Christ” Sunday, and begins again next week with “Advent,” four weeks leading up to Christmas. For more than 1200 years Advent has been a time of preparation, expectation, prophecy, and making ready. You can join a “Hanging of the Greens” party today at 2pm as we get ready by decorating for this new season! Join in!
Next Sunday — compline service resumes on Sunday evenings. 6:30 p.m. in Cowan Chapel, Union Church will host a time of worship for everyone who yearns for a night prayer of quietness at the end of the day and the beginning of the week, a way to still your heart and mind. (Taking the 26th off—see you in December!)
TODAY! Hanging of the Greens Nov. 26, 2 pm — all welcome, meet in the sanctuary. If you don’t live locally, you can STILL help beautify the sanctuary with poinsettias! We’ll print your dedication in the bulletin & show it onscreen. Order & dedicate at bit.ly/Poinsettias-23
Photos: Get ready to have your photo taken! Don Cardwell has offered to take photos for F1Go, beginning Dec. 3 at Coffee Hour. More info to come.
Budget Meeting, Dec. 6, 6:30 pm. The 2024 Proposed Budget will be presented for approval. Come at 5:30 for supper!
Christmas Card Painting Dec. 13 after Supper Come paint Christmas cards for your friends and loved ones. Paste paint with tools, crayons, markers, paper & envelopes will be provided. Art for everyone! Led by artist Jennifer Elam.
Cincinnati Observatory trip on December 1. The Pinnacles Astronomy Club has arranged a field trip to the Cincinnati Observatory on December 1, 2023. The visit will have two parts. At 3PM we will tour the historic observatory, with its two large refracting telescopes and including one of the first “standard” time clocks in America.
If skies are clear we’ll have the opportunity to view Jupiter and Saturn through the oldest continuously used telescope in America, the great Merz und Mahler refractor built in 1845.
The observatory was founded that year by Ormsby Mitchel, who later, as a general, served during the Civil War under Lincoln , when he founded the first town that gave formerly enslaved people a permanent place to call their own. We’ll leave from the church parking lot on Friday, December 1 at 12:30 PM. Adult costs are $10 for adults for the tour and $15 for viewing in the evening. Limit 12. RSVP to Jeff Hutton: jeffp.hutton@gmail.com
Calling All Dog Lovers! There is great need for foster homes for dogs whose parent is going into a substance use treatment program. Many people have no one to care for their furry baby, so treatment is out of reach. Dogs and foster families are matched based on the best fit for both; length of time varies depending on what type of program the parent is completing. For more information, please email fostering4recovery@gmail.com or call / text Laura Nagle at 859-358-0106.
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