Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Second Sunday of Lent March 12, 2017 10:30 am Meditation “It is not more surprising to be born twice than once; everything in nature is resurrection.” —Voltaire From there to Here Welcome & Announcements Welcome to this service of worship! During the… Read more.
what's happening
March 5, 2017, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns & Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union First Sunday of Lent March 5, 2017 10:30 am Meditation “What’s best and worst?” Atkin asked, casually. “Best makes us long-term happy, worst makes us long-term sorry.” “How long-term?” “Years. A lifetime.” —Richard Bach, One From there to Here Welcome &… Read more.
Estill County Needs Our Help! Bring Items to Union Church & We'll Deliver to Drop-off Center ESTILL COUNTY, Ky. (LEX 18) – Shelters have been set up at the Irvine First Baptist Church and Estill Springs Elementary. Emergency Management officials are asking people to stay off the roads in Estill County. Four people are currently staying overnight at Estill Springs Elementary. A Donation Drop-Off Center opened at 10 a.m. Thursday… Read more.
Consider…Union Church's Newsletter for March. Click on a title to read the full article.
Click on a title to read the full article. Ash Wednesday Service, March 1, 7:00 pm in the Community Room Lent 2017: The Answer Is Almost Always Love — Sign up now! Leprechaun Kent’s – Journey to the Pot of Gold We keep writing…by Jenny Hobson Musical Notes, Upcoming Concerts at Union March Birthdays &… Read more.
Generous Bequest from Merlin Kindel will Repair Chapel Windows
Thanks to the generosity and forethought of Merlin Kindel (who passed away in October of 2015), the church has received funds from his bequest that will make possible two important building projects. Merlin was a stalwart Trustee and Moderator of Union Church and worked many hours during his life to make our building a loving… Read more.
Did you know . . . ?
. . . The Nominating Board has filled many of the positions for the boards, but there are still some openings. If you are interested in learning more click here to read the article from last month that has the board descriptions. . . . The solar panels on our roof generated over 11,000 kWh… Read more.
Water Project in Uganda, New Member Photos!
Union Church Partners With Several Organizations to Help Orphans in Uganda Have Clean Water! Union Church member Deborah Payne spent three weeks in Uganda on behalf of MedWater, an organization that helps impoverished communities get access to clean water. On this trip, she helped install and teach the use of a water chlorination system for… Read more.