Dear Congregation of Union Church, It is with heavy heart that I inform you that I have resigned as Director of Music Ministries effective August 12, 2018. My fiancé, Joseph, and I have had a wonderful opportunity for both of us to move to New York City, and have chosen to take it. He will… Read more.
what's happening
New Church Directory Coming and we NEED YOU!
We’re trying for a print date of earliest September. If you will send us your photo and info (names, addresses, birthdates & anniversaries, email addresses and phone numbers), you can save us a phone call! Maybe the number in your household has changed? Kiddo gone off to school? Gotten hitched? Maybe you’d like to opt… Read more.
Children's Church
The Children’s Church Team is looking for teachers for the upcoming year! No teaching experience necessary — just a good sense of humor, a bit of patience, and the willingness to sit on the floor with small humans and explore the values of our faith while making cool stuff. The commitment is from September to… Read more.
Summer Worship, BLE photos
Monday Announcements plus POOL PARTY WEDNESDAY!!
Especially in our Prayers: Cheyenne Olson and family, at the death of her sister, in Manhattan, Kansas. Pool Party Wednesday! 7-9 at the Berea Pool. Pizza and drinks provided, bring a side or dessert if you can. Office Help Needed, August 6-8, possibly 9: Joan English, Office Admin, will be away picking up her parents,… Read more.
July 29, 2018, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Tenth Sunday after Pentecost A “Share Your Music” Sunday July 29, 2018 10:30 am Meditation “We can grow good wheat and make good bread only if we understand that we do not live by bread alone.” —Wendell Berry From there to Here:… Read more.
Monday Announcements plus NEW info — Items to be Transported to Refugee Family tomorrow; Family Caregiver Mini-Conference July 25
Tomorrow, Tuesday, we will bring items to the Ngabwema family. If you have things to bring, please do so between 8 & 9 am. If you can HELP load and deliver, please come at 9:30. This holy work has been an oasis of love and “right action” in a time when compassionate care has been… Read more.
July 22, 2018, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Ninth Sunday after Pentecost July 22, 2018 10:30 am Meditation It goes on one at a time, it starts when you care to act, it starts when you do it again after they said no, it starts when you… Read more.