- Welcome to new members Jen Eich & Amy Schill and Ally Nurre. Thanks be to God for these strong hearts!
- Rev. Kent will be leading the Madison County Delegation to our sister city, Hokuto City, Japan. He and Diana will go with 14 other representatives from all over the county. He will be out of the office Oct 8-20. Rev. Carla Gilbert will be available for pastoral care while he is away.
- Welcome to Dr. Bernardo Scarambone who will begin this week as our Interim Director of Music! Dr. Scarambone is professor of piano and keyboard at Eastern Kentucky University and has a long history with church music.
Originally from Brazil, Bernardo lives in Richmond with his wife and 3 children.
- Congratulations to Shane Wilcher, who has received the 2018 Sargent Shriver Youth Warriors Against Poverty award. Shane has been a part of Kentuckians for the Commonwealth his entire life. He grew up attending the annual meetings and local community events with his mother. Shane is a senior in high school and a fierce advocate for creating more inclusive spaces for young people within KFTC and his community. Shane was selected as part of the initial cohort of the KFTC Organizing Academy, where he has learned to build relationships with fellow students and community members, how to talk with decision-makers about issues that are important to him, and how to canvas and register voters. Following the Parkland school shooting, Shane organized a school walkout to address the issue of gun violence in schools. As a member of the Gay Straight Alliance at his high school he has been instrumental in organizing group conversations after the 2016 elections where students could come together in a safe environment and share their feelings in the new and unknown political landscape.
- Congratulations to Brielle LeMaster (granddaughter of Linda LeMaster and Niece of Martina LeForce), who was awarded the John G. Fee Youth Leadership award by the Berea Human Rights Commission, for her work as Garden Ambassador for the Glades Community Garden.
- About to turn 65 and want to know about your Medicare options? Confused by the Individual Marketplace? Info sessions October 10 in the Training Room off the Community Room. Union Church friend and insurance guru, Karen Hoskins, will come help us again! Come at 5:30 to talk about individual insurance plans and 6:15 to talk Medicare. Grab dinner at WNL before or after.
- Anybody Can Use a Stephen Minster! Ever have a feeling that life is getting a bit too hard to handle? Would you like to be able to talk to someone regularly? Stephen Ministry just added four new caregivers. If you would like to talk to someone, please contact Mary Lou Wiese at 260-571-4959. If you have a friend with a need, let them know about Stephen Ministry at Union. They do not have to be church members. This can be either a short-term or a long-term match, so pass on the news.
2 Jennie Kiteck
3 Jeff Melton
3 Dana Carlberg
3 Dorie Hubbard
3 Ellen Mink
5 Eli Woodie
6 Paige Garrett
6 Scott Smith
6 Levi Oles
7 Laurinda Pool
8 Eric Dodson
9 Jack Small Stokes
11 Katie Basham
18 June Fish
21 Critley King
21 Cheryl Caruso Payne
22 Sarah Stopenhagen Broomfield
22 Thomas Brownrobie
22 John Payne
25 Dale Barlow
28 Bill Stolte
27 Reda Hutton
28 Jude Embry
22 Howard & Shirley Carlberg
25 Tony & Katie Basham
World Communion Sunday, October 7!
To Live Generously: Our Hope, Our Mission, Our Call
From Rev. Kent
Children’s Church Is Going Strong!
A Note about Beethoven from Bernardo
A note from Carla – Take Time for Matters of the Heart
Healing Retreat
Witness for Peace Speaker on October 17 at Wednesday Nite Live
Hurricane Response through Church World Service
Alzheimer’s Education in October
Planned Parenthood of Indiana & Kentucky President to Discuss Access to Care
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