- From Gabe Evans: Joseph and I thank EVERYONE for the wonderful send off notes, gifts, hugs, kisses, Liberace capes, etc. We will cherish and hold all of the wonderful memories that have been made in Berea and at Union Church! Keep being the wonderful church that you are! With lots of peace and love, Gabe. Email: evansgabet@gmail.com New Address: 95 Cabrini Blvd, Apt. #3N, New York, NY 10033. I would LOVE cards, notes, letters, etc. from everyone.
- The Mission Board received several lovely thank you notes for our financial contribution to refurbishing and redecorating administrative offices and residential rooms at Liberty Place.
- Jennie Kiteck’s daughter, Priscilla, wrote to send thanks for the care the church family has given to Jennie. If you’d like to help Jennie out with a meal on Friday evenings, use this MealTrain link: https://mealtrain.com/dwkg44
Welcome to our newest member, Peter Haik, who joined the family in August! YOU are welcome here, too! New members are welcomed on the second Sunday of every month. Just step forward when invited, toward the end of the worship service.
- We are so glad to welcome Laura Nagle as Program Associate, particularly
helping Community Life and Growth and Faith Development work throughout the church. She will be working closely with those boards and pastor Kent as we move into our fall season. We are richly blessed! She’s already reported a great success at God on the Quad, welcoming first-year students to Berea and Union Church.
- Deborah Payne has been named to the national board of directors for Companion Community Development Alternatives (CoCoDA), a long time mission partner of Union Church working in El Salvador and Nicaragua.
- Gail Wolford and Betty Hibler will be our voting delegates to the Kentucky Council of Churches Annual Assembly in Louisville next month. Everyone is encouraged to attend! The Keynote Speakers will be Rev. Dr. Leah Schade and Rev. Paul Prather. Rev. Kent Gilbert is President of the KCC and is expected to be reelected for a third term. Registration for the conference is available at: https://kycouncilofchurches.salsalabs.org/2018annualassemblyregistrationform/index.html
- These great youth members of Union Church have been elected to student government posts at Berea Community School: MacGregor Lakes, 2019 Senior Class Co-President; Cora Livingston 2019 Senior Class Secretary!
- Union Church Ambassadors needed in September! Spoonbread Festival (Sept. 21-23) and Berea Business Fest (Sept. 13) need Union Church Ambassadors staffing the Spoonbread Festival table for 2-hour shifts, and the Business Fest event for the entire 11-2 event (plus set-up and take-down). Offer church brochures, postcards, and conversation. Photos of fellowship, mission, worship events needed too! Contact the office and we’ll get you the info. Thanks!
- Berea Celtic Festival thanks Union Church The 9th Berea Celtic Festival that was put on by The Folk Circle Association of Berea turned out to be an audience pleaser on many levels. First and foremost, I would like to take my hat off for the Union Church staff that played a significant role implementing crucial elements of the Saturday’s events. Special thanks to David, Kent, and Marty for their commitment and the many Union Church-goers who joined many parts of the festival. Photos elsewhere in the is newsletter. — Sune Frederiksen, Coordinator
- Socks & underwear needed for kids 5– 12 year olds, boys & girls, for back-to-school. Bring to the church office and Dodie Murphy will collect and deliver them. Or write a check to Union Church with “No Child Cold, No Child Hungry” in the memo line.
- Last Call for Directory Updates! Use this form: [gravityform id=”66″ title=”true” description=”true”]
September Birthdays & Anniversaries
2 Hamrick Walters
2 Dodie Murphy
5 Brian Madden
6 Chris Green
6 Nick Mullins
7 Noah Broomfield
7 Thomas Chapman
9 Hailey Biggs
10 Laura Nagle
11 Lisa Shroyer
11 Mary Lou Wiese
13 Steve Connelly
13 Mary Nash
14 Debbonnaire Kovacs
17 Joyce Fields
17 Sunni Walters
18 Reid Connelly
20 Mark Gailey
21 Renee Wellinghurst
27 Olin Shaw Perry
28 Heather Dent
28 Nancy Naumer
29 Abi Woodie
30 Michelle Hayden
17 Tom & Joy Frazier
If we don’t know your birthday or anniversary, we want to! Or if we’ve made a mistake please call or email the office.
- Rekindling the Spirit! September 9
- September Worship is All about “All ‘IN’: Building a Beloved Community of Outsiders Just Like YOU!”
- From the Pastor: Worship Ways: The What, Why, and How of Union Church Worship Opportunities
- Church Council Votes to Partner with Thrivent Financial
- Habitat for Humanity’s Apostle’s Build is Blessed and Underway!
- A Note from Carla
- Another Successful Berea Leadership Experience!
- Updates from Administration and Properties Boards
- Water Bottles to Benefit Faith Development
- Healing Arts Retreat September 15 – just a few spots left!
- Life Line Screening at Union Church
- Celtic Service, God on the Quad,Middletown Marker photos
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