Why Do We Wear Choir Robes?
If you have been reading our music discussions and news since February, you might have noticed a huge hype in the need for choir robes here at church. It was voted unanimously by members of the music program, Worship Board, and Church Council that there was a very strong need for new robes. A huge thank you goes to YOU for helping us make this possible.
So, why is it that we wear choir robes? They are not flashy, they do not accentuate any person, and they blend right in with everything around them. That does not seem like a good reason to get them, right? Actually, that is one of the main purposes of choir robes; to not stand out.
There are many misconceptions what role of choirs/music have in the church and what their purpose is for. The purpose is to enhance and connect to the worship service. Of course, we love to cheer and clap when our music groups do very well, but we’re not here to put on a show or a concert. We are here to make your worship more meaningful, to help connect multiple senses to The Word, and transport you to into a higher level of worship.
So, we know what our purpose is…what’s a choir robe have to do with it? The robe is a uniform for the musicians. Let’s break down the meaning of uniform. The word originates from Latin word “uniformis.” “Unus” means one, while “formis” means to have the form of. Essentially, we are creating the illusion of having the form of one. As with any ensemble, we want to be seen as one unit. Along with blending our voices and our bells, we must blend ourselves visually, as well.
Along with the uniformity, the purpose of the robes is to take the attention away from the individual. This is also the reason that the pastors wear robes. By a pastor wearing a flashy dress, suit, or t-shirt and jeans, they become a distraction rather than be in clothing that sets the mood and tone for a structured worship service. Another common misconception is that the robe’s purpose is to be “uppity,” put the pastors and choir members on a higher ground and make them stand out. Trust me, we wouldn’t want robes just to stand out…it gets very toasty in that choir loft! It is intended to emphasize order, structure, reverence, and importance of worship, rather than to detract from the purpose of worship.
In planning the worship services at Union, many hours go into crafting a thoughtful, meaningful, and structured worship service. The Sunday morning is often the only structured corporate worship that many will have during the week. Why should we treat it as though it is casual, or sometimes, as though it is less casual and of less importance than anything else we do during the week? Robes are just another crucial element that helps transport the worship service into a higher place of worshiping.
The robes, while they have yet to be seen by the congregation, will enhance the worship service greatly. Through their new color scheme, cleanliness, and the addition of robes to the bell choir, the music program will be able to better participate in worship, all while coming together to glorify God through music.
Choir and Handbells Are Starting Back!
On behalf of Pearl Marshall and me, we would like to personally invite you to join the Union Church Choir and/or the Union Church Handbell Ensemble! Both ensembles are made up Union Church members who join together to praise God in a musical way! No experience? None needed! Can’t read music? No problem! Both groups are happy to accept new and returning members! You can contact either Gabe Evans, gevans@union-church.org for information about choir, or Pearl Marshall, pmarshall@union-church.org for information on handbells. The Union Church Handbell Ensemble rehearses on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:00 in the Choir Room. The Union Church Choir rehearses on Thursday at 6:15-7:45 in the choir room. We hope that you will join us for the 2017-2018 season!
Gabriel Evans
Director of Music Ministries
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