Sometimes Faith Development, often called the Sunday School department, is seen as being for children. But adults never outgrow their need to learn and grow and stretch their faith. They never lose the need to ask hard questions, either. Here at Union Church Berea, we believe love demands hard questions, and also demands careful consideration of those questions. Therefore, we offer various opportunities for adults to study and stretch. Some of these have been ongoing for years; others come and go and constantly change. In all cases, all opinions, points of view, and questions are welcomed, if respectfully presented.
Ongoing Faith Development Opportunities–both in person and by Zoom

We believe love demands a broad range of diverse and varied opportunities for a broad range of diverse and varied people. These change all the time, and if you have an idea you’d like to experience or help to present, call the office and ask to let someone on the Faith Development Board know.
Some past events have included:

- The Thursday Bible study, which follows the Revised Common Lectionary, may be one of the longest-lasting programs of Union Church. The group meets on Zoom at 10:30. During the pandemic, it became virtual and retains the virtual option even as the group is able to meet in-person. It’s up to you! Occasionally, it has changed focus temporarily; for example, there may be a summer study on a particular topic or book of the Bible. But every week for many years, whoever wishes has gathered to take a look at the suggested passages for that week, for two main purposes: to dig into the scripture and some commentary and share and turn over what is learned, and to help the pastor gain some new insights for the sermon that week. Fellowship and friendship happens, too. Whether you are a biblical scholar or have never opened the book, you might like it–give it a try!
- The Chancel Choir, Orchestra, and Handbell Ensemble are also good opportunities for faith development and ministry. These groups minister in both directions–to the members, as they meet, share, pray, and practice together, and then from the groups to the greater congregation, in their musical offerings. You do not have to be a highly trained musician to join any of them.

- Weekend retreats for anything from healing arts to body work such as yoga or spiritual dance
- Short-term programs on some particular activity or topic of interest
- Bi-weekly gatherings to immerse oneself in the psalms of praise and lament
- Special events during special times, such as Advent or Lent
- Repeated offerings, such as Whiteness and Witness and other anti-racist classes and seminars, or end-of-life planning, or … almost anything!
Keep an eye on this page and other links for up-to-date adult opportunities for learning and growth.